Trial takes family focus to youth offending

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A strengthened multi-agency response is being trialled in parts of Auckland to address underlying factors that lead to young people engaging in risky behaviour and offending.

Under the trial, representatives from a number of government agencies including Police and Oranga Tamariki, along with community providers will work together on a whānau-focused collaborative approach.

Senior Sergeant Craig Clark says planning has been underway for the past month and is based off an existing model involving a cross-agency response to family harm in the Counties Manukau District.

'Police and our partners continue to be concerned by the level of risk posed to the community and the young people themselves when they are becoming involved in stealing vehicles and committing ram-raid style burglaries.”

Initially this trial, supported by the South Auckland Social Wellbeing Board, will work with young people and their families from across the Counties Manukau District for an initial three month period before looking at options to expand this approach across the Auckland region.

Senior Sergeant Clark says there are often complex and challenging circumstances which influence the behaviours of these children meaning a multi-disciplinary approach is required.

'Police will continue to investigate this offending when it occurs and identify those responsible, but we recognise that police alone don't hold the solutions to preventing youth crime.”

Oranga Tamariki South Auckland Regional Manager Alison Cronin says it's important for communities and families to lead the way with the right support in place from partner agencies.

'The majority of young people and tamariki we work with experience family violence, exposure to drugs and alcohol, truancy, mental health problems, and neuro or learning disabilities.

'Wrap-around support for young people and their families to address these risk factors is crucial – we know that a stable home life reduces risk.”



Posted on 06-05-2022 11:53 | By Slim Shady

This is just more of the left wing wet bus ticket idea of justice. Does not work.

Home Life.

Posted on 06-05-2022 12:31 | By morepork

There is not a lot the community can do about the home life of these kids. Family violence, drugs, general irresponsibility, are all things that parents have to lay down rules for, to their children and set examples and limits for. If the parents are "out of it" the kids will be "out of it"; they don't lick bad behavior off the stones. The best the community can do is provide support and guidance when it is reached for, and it won't generally be reached for. So the Law has to enforce it. Both parents and perpetrators need to be addressed by the Courts and penalties need to be increased, with sentences aimed at changing attitudes and situations primarily, and more serious jail and removal of children in cases where no response is made to the help available, or there is continual repeat offending.


Posted on 06-05-2022 19:23 | By hexsayer

they'll just walk away from whatever "support" and laugh at how stupid you are. if jail isnt the option. since the govt can decide no one under 14 years old will ever legally buy cigarettes, im sure the govt can decide to take a finger for each crime... if they keep thieving after that start on the next hand, finger by finger until all 5 are gone. if police are planning a crackdown on gangs they'll just recruit these "children" because they're untouchable, thanks to softcaulkery.

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