Police ramp-up patrols for long weekend

More than 200 officers are involved in the long weekend operation across five police districts. Photo: SunLive/file.

Police will be out in force patrolling major routes this weekend in a co-ordinated operation across five police districts.

The operation will stretch almost the entire length of the North Island, with a focus on poor driver behaviour which we know leads to significant harm when people make mistakes on the road.

Bay of Plenty District Commander Superintendent Tim Anderson, who is leading the operation, says more than 200 officers will be involved throughout the weekend.

'We're dedicating considerable resource to this operation because we're determined to keep people safe on their travels this Labour Weekend.”

Patrols throughout the weekend will be highly visible, targeting peak times at key locations.

'This is ultimately about reducing the harm caused on our roads.

'We are all human and make mistakes sometimes – whether that's missing a corner, coming across another road user in your path or finding an animal on the road.

'But the severity of the harm that results will be greatly reduced by choosing not to speed, never drinking and driving, and making sure everyone is wearing their seatbelt.”

Police patrols will be focusing on all the major types of driver behaviour that lead to road crashes: excessive speed for the conditions; drivers who may be impaired from alcohol, drugs or fatigue; people not wearing seatbelts or the correct restraints; and drivers being distracted, particularly using mobile phones.

'The more we can be out there influencing these behaviours, the safer we all are.”

Staff from Counties Manukau, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Eastern and Central Districts will take part, with a focus on main routes throughout the North Island.


Try something different.

Posted on 21-10-2022 10:23 | By The Professor

The approach taken over the past several years to fine drivers for doing a k over the limit and closing overtaking lanes is not working. How about diverting the resources to fighting youth crime and ram raids over the holiday period!!

I have to agree with the Professor

Posted on 21-10-2022 23:26 | By The Caveman

How about the POLICE get out of the "traffic" cars and get back ON THE BEAT (on FOOT) in the commercial areas in the "so called CDB" !!

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