Police nab legally drunk people at checkpoint

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Police are "incredibly concerned" about the amount of legally drunk people caught behind the wheel at recent checkpoint.

More than 3900 drivers were stopped at police checkpoints in Taupō over the weekend.

Officers processed 25 drivers for excess breath alcohol over the two nights.

'It is incredibly concerning to be locating even one driver with excess breath alcohol,” says Sergeant Mark Holmes.

'If you are going to be enjoying a few drinks then make sure you have a plan to get home or a sober driver to assist.

'Drink driving significantly increases the risk of death or injury to drivers, passengers and everyone else on the road.

'This is a reminder that as a community we have a responsibility to ensure we drive safely at all times and do not take any unnecessary risks - getting behind the wheel after drinking is one of those risks not worth taking.”

Police's advice to anyone who is in any doubt about whether they're safe or legal to drive after drinking is simple – don't do it.


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