PM denies government soft on crime

Jacinda Ardern said identifying and working with about 70 young people identified as contributing to burglaries had helped bring down the number of crimes. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone.

Cabinet will discuss interventions with young people that have helped reduce burglaries and ram raids and whether they can be extended, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says.

Ardern attended the funeral on Sunday of 34-year-old Janak Patel who was fatally stabbed while working at Rose Cottage Superette in Sandringham, Auckland.

She says she understands why dairy owners and smaller retailers feel vulnerable, but denies accusations the government is soft on crime.

It has focused attention on ram raids and $500m of additional funding has gone into the police's crime prevention unit, she told Morning Report.

"We know we have to keep doing what we can to ensure people feel safe in their cities."

Ardern says ram raid numbers have declined to about 13 this month.

One of the reasons is the impact of prosecutions and convictions, she says.

The other is the intervention with about 70 young people identified as contributing to the problem, some repeatedly, that resulted in half of them getting back into education and training, she says.

"We've worked on specific plans for each of those individual children because in those cases you've got to work with the family too.

"What [Cabinet] will be talking about today are what are the interventions we've been using that we believe are working, can we look to extend some of those."

She rejects accusations the Labour government has not placed tough enough consequences on youth offenders - primarily resolving offending through non-court action in 2021.

Young people from the age of 15 who commit crime are still able to be brought before the court, she says.

But 12 or 13 year olds, for example, will go to court only for offences attracting a penalty of 14 years - which means aggravated burglary is covered but burglary is not.

This is where the plan for working with children and their families comes in, she says.

"We brought down offending because of that.

"We have not lessened the penalties on any individual crime."

Rather, they have increased police resources, brought in a firearm registry and increased penalties for firearm-related crimes.

"I worry that sometimes these conversations just come down to rhetoric.

"Where have you ever heard us say that if you're a young person and commit a crime that there won't be consequence for that? There is. All we have ever argued is that when we intervene lets make it work."

There will also be discussions later week on penalties around fleeing drivers, she says.

On delays in having bollards installed, she says one factor is that once an assessment is made after a ram raid, it can take some time for insurance to be completed and contractors brought in.

There are up to 120 which are ready to go but waiting for installation to be completed.



Doesn't get it

Posted on 28-11-2022 09:33 | By Slim Shady

Still bleating on about 'the causes of crime'. Expect more of the same woke policies. The perpetrators always excused and put before the victims. 5 years of emptying the prisons and letting people off has brought us to here and her solution is to keep doing the same.

3 strikes? Reducing prisoner numbers?

Posted on 28-11-2022 09:39 | By jed

Of course this government is soft on crime. It is ignoring facts to say otherwise. Harry Tam, Mongrel mob leader, urged gang members to vote for Jacinda Ardern. Google it, "harry tam vote labour". Prisoner numbers have been reduced from 10,000 to around 7,500. Labour dumped the very successful three strikes act. The Mt Maunganui rapist didn't even get prison for raping multiple women.

It Shows

Posted on 28-11-2022 09:43 | By Yadick

Just how out of touch she is with the realities of her own country. So how's the war going with Russia and the Ukraine Jacinda, how's China doing . . .

Dairy Crimes

Posted on 28-11-2022 09:57 | By Mary Knight

One of those involved in the recent stabbing had been deported from Australia to NZ. earlier this year.They sent him to us because of his bad behaviour & now an innocent worker in NZ has been murdered!

And there is the problem!!

Posted on 28-11-2022 10:21 | By The Professor

All the time the Prime Minister thinks her Government isn't soft on crime, we are going to continue to see crime escalating in the country. We need a Government that is going to take this by the horns and get it sorted once and for all. It's a pity the Government didn't put as much effort in reducing crime as they are with their ridiculous Road 2 Zero!!

I fail

Posted on 28-11-2022 11:47 | By Merlin

I fail to see how the Opposition can stop this in it's tracks. If they can they should say so and how they are going to do it. The boot camps have been used before and have not eradicated the problem. It come from peoples upbringing where the biggest problem is. National had nine years and never solved the gang problem.

Road to Zero

Posted on 28-11-2022 12:29 | By Slim Shady

They set the lofty goal of zero road deaths. Yet when asked about shocking school attendance rates they set the goal of 70% attendance. Lop sided ideology right there. Why not zero ram raids? Zero robberies?

Its the goal and agenda

Posted on 28-11-2022 13:17 | By an_alias

Its all part of the divide and conquer policy. Distract and don't allow anyone to unite, keep everyone fighting amongst themselves. You can then keep pushing through your agenda policies.


Posted on 28-11-2022 13:59 | By Slim Shady

If only they were as tough on real criminals as they were on people who didn’t want a jab and protested at losing their livelihood and being ostracised. They couldn’t wait to crack down on those people and had no qualms about vilifying them. I wonder when China cracks down on protesters just like this Government did, what Jacinda will say on that.

@ Merlin........

Posted on 28-11-2022 21:22 | By groutby

........have patience my friend, it is too early yet to put forward policies and intentions as they will no doubt be pulled apart by the rabid left. Early into the new year please keep an open mind and compare sound policy vs ideology, it should become very clear to you at that point.......

@ groutby

Posted on 29-11-2022 12:35 | By Yadick

WOW. That was really well written.

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