Police operation: 3880 breath tests, 38 busted

The police operation in Rotorua over the weekend.

"Don't do it."

That's the message from police to driver who are thinking of getting behind the wheel after a few.

The message comes after a police operation in the Bay of Plenty saw officers conduct 3880 breath tests on Friday and Saturday evenings.

Of the thousands of breath tests carried out, 38 drivers processed for Excess Breath Alcohol.

Rotorua Area Road Policing Manager Senior Sergeant Geoff Barnett says 38 is a disappointing number, but there are lots of drivers doing the right thing.

'It was great to see a lot of motorists driving sober, but disappointing that there are still people driving after drinking.”

Motorists can expect a highly visible presence across the roading network this holiday season. All drivers stopped will be breath tested for the presence of alcohol.

Police would like to remind the public that if you're going to drink, don't drive. Make sure you have a plan to get home or find a sober driver.

Police's advice to anyone who is in any doubt about whether they're safe or legal to drive is simple – don't do it.


High number

Posted on 29-11-2022 14:55 | By jed

So one in a hundred cars has a drunk driver at the wheel? That seems high.


Posted on 29-11-2022 20:45 | By Old Bloke

38 out 3880 tests for being over the limit. Not necessarily drunk. Remembering the limit was halved a couple of years back. So way less than 1% failed the arbitrary test level. Wonder how many were over the previous limit? How many were actually drunk?

What about drugs

Posted on 30-11-2022 11:54 | By First Responder

And how many were under the influence of drugs. About time it was policed in NZ

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