Operation Presence targets BOP drivers

The operation was carried out throughout the Bay of Plenty this week.

Police are cracking down on bad driving behaviour around the Bay of Plenty.

As part of Operation Presence, officers ran a number of checkpoints across the Bay of Plenty District on Thursday with the aim of reducing harm on the district's roads.

Bay of Plenty Road Policing Manager, Inspector Brent Crowe says all four areas – Western Bay of Plenty, Eastern Bay of Plenty, Taupō and Rotorua – took part in the operation.

"It was clear people appreciated our staff being out there ensuring everyone's safety on the roads and it was great to get the support and positive feedback from the community."

Brent says there was a highly visible presence across the roading network, and all drivers stopped were breath-tested for the presence of alcohol.

"The majority of motorists were doing all the right things – wearing their seatbelt, not driving while impaired, not using cellphones when driving, and driving to the conditions and speed limits.

"Unfortunately, there were still some who were putting themselves and others a risk. Two drivers were apprehended in Ōpōtiki before midday, both returning alcohol results well over the limit."

Brent says in the leadup to Christmas and over the summer period motorists can expect to see Police carrying out similar operations.

"The more we can be out there influencing behaviours like wearing seatbelts, not speeding, driving free of distraction and not driving while impaired, the safer we all are."

Police's advice to anyone who is in any doubt about whether they're safe or legal to drive is simple – don't do it.

Police will have a presence on roads across the country right throughout the summer, to ensure everyone gets to their destination safely.


Sounds good

Posted on 10-12-2022 10:56 | By Kancho

I have not seen any traffic management regarding speed and live on a road where 50 kph signage means very little to quite a few people judging the way they go any speed that like . The council reduced the speed many months ago but seems old habits die hard as there appears to be no consequences.


Posted on 11-12-2022 13:06 | By Slim Shady

Good to see the speed camera van on Ngatai Rd yesterday morning. Fish in a barrel. We need all the money we can get to pay for all the fog cannons, bollards and security cameras.

Wow slim

Posted on 12-12-2022 13:31 | By Kancho

Great. Hope they move the camera van over to Pyes Pa road soon then . They will make an absolute fortune.

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