Chch Quake: room in Tauranga?

Tauranga people are opening their homes for victims of Tuesday's 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch – hoping to offer a retreat from the chaos there.

This morning only 60 per cent of the city with population of about 400,000 has electricity and just 20 per cent has running water.

Tauranga MP Simon Bridges is hoping to facilitate the meeting of new people – pairing Tauranga residents with Christchurch residents who need a break.

In the night, the ground shook about 20 times as aftershocks continue to rumble.

People in Christchurch struggle to sleep and have limited supplies and mostly are without amenity.

Since Tuesday, Tauranga MP Simon Bridges has been contacted by constituents wanting to provide relief for Christchurch people in this difficult time.

'Following the earthquake I have had many phone calls and emails both from people offering help and also from people who have Christchurch friends and family wanting a break from the trauma and a chaos of Christchurch,” says Simon.

'I now have a list of both people with rooms and homes that they are prepared to lend to Christchurch folk and also of Christchurch folk looking for time out from the tremors and issues down in Christchurch.”

Simon says offers have come from across the Western Bay of Plenty with people in Matata, Otumoetai and Tauranga central coming forward so far.

'I'm currently working through the best way to put the people together.

'Tauranga is a beautiful city with great weather and beaches and can be a place of rest and respite for Christchurch people and that by opening up our homes we can make a real difference.”

Simon is in discussion with Minister for Social Development Paula Bennett about connecting these people.

People wishing to open their homes or know of someone in Christchurch who could do with a break in Tauranga should email


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