Petrol price variations “healthy"

Petrol 15 cents cheaper at Raglan than in Katikati is a clear indication of strong competition in the North Island fuel industry, says Mark Stockdale, the AA's petrol prices, senior policy analyst.

However, the diversity of fuel prices is not necessarily pleasing the public.

Petrol was $174.9 at Katikati BP on March 16. Photos: Elaine Fisher.

'The biggest complaint we used to get about fuel prices was that there was no price competition regardless of brand. Now we get complaints about the differences in prices. Many people are confused about the price variations.”

On a road trip from Katikati, through Tauranga and Hamilton to Raglan last week Coast & Country News editor Elaine Fisher recorded a variety of prices for 91 octane fuel at different stations.

'Interestingly I found the cheapest, $159.9, and the dearest, $181.9 at Raglan. The small Te Uku Waitomo brand petrol station, just outside Raglan, had the cheapest price while the dearest was in Raglan itself at the BP station,” she says.

'BP Katikati's price was $174.9 and up the road Katikati Caltex was offering fuel at $173.9. Gull at Whakamara and Bethlehem and BP Te Puna were all advertising 91 at $170.9.

'Prices in Hamilton varied between $169.9 at G.A.S Whatawhata to as low as $160.9 at Mobile Hillcrest.”

Petrol at Waitomo Station, Te Uku, near Raglan was $159.9 on March 16.

Mark says the low price at Waitomo Te Uku is probably explained because it is a small independent company which has lower over-heads and can pick and choose where it has stations, as compared with the major brands which offer a service across the country.

'The cheapest prices are often found in self-service stations which have no staff, and that's what you would expect.”

Mark says the Waikato and Bay of Plenty prices are also probably a reflection of the strength of the economy in these regions.

Price competition however, he says, is not so strong in the South Island.

The prices recorded (all for 91) on March 16 were:

BP Katikati - $174.9 – diesel 93.9

Caltex Katikati – 173.9 – diesel 84.9

Challenge Omokora – 172.9 diesel 89.9

Gull Whakamara – 170.9 - diesel 81.9

BP Te Puna - 170.9 – diesel 87.9

Z Bethlehem – 172.9 – diesel 89.9

Gull Bethlehem – 170.9 diesel 85.9

Mobil Hillcrest Hamilton – 160.9 diesel 82.9

Z Kahikatea Drive Hamilton - 165.9 diesel 79.9

Caltex Dinsdale area – 163.9 diesel 80.9

Waitomo Te Uku – 159.9 diesel 79.9

BP Raglan – 181.9 diesel 103.9


dont complain

Posted on 22-03-2016 14:41 | By The author of this comment has been removed.

Christopher Columbus got great mileage out of his ships,the best at MILLIONS of MILES to the GALLION,can remember going from Taupo to NightCaps on $10 dont ask how we crossed over the water,we didn,t go that way,we went through the Telecom Tunnel,same as when a sheep farmer drove 4,000 sheep from North to bottom of SI and was asked which way did you go, he said i went the other way,NO1 in the Bay SunLive Thankyou

Delivery Costs.

Posted on 23-03-2016 07:21 | By Stevo

It has always been said that inland towns and cities have dearer fuel due to higher delivery costs. The fuel comes into the Port of Tauranga in ships and is pumped into tanks at the Mount, then its trucked to Hamilton, Rotorua, Whakatane etc and they can sell it cheaper than we can buy it here only a few kms from the port. Incidently if the reporter had gone onto Cameron road, she would have found both petrol and diesel even dearer again


Posted on 23-03-2016 10:00 | By Capt_Kaveman

ripping us off, if it wasn't for gull the prices would be 20c higher

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