Jack's Point boat ramp re-opened

The Thames-Coromandel District Council says Jack's Point boat ramp is now open to the public following a fortnight of dredging to remove mud and silt in Fureys Creek.

The boat ramp beside the Patukirikiri Reserve in Coromandel Town had been closed temporarily due to health and safety concerns around deep mud at the end of the ramp.

Jack's Point boat ramp before the dredging occurred. Photos: TCDC

Thames-Coromandel area manager Greg Hampton says further dredging of the Fureys Creek outlying channel is planned over the next week or two to improve tidal access to the boat ramp.

'Once the channel dredging has been completed there will be a much improved tidal access making for another alternative ramp option to the Sugarloaf Wharf for recreational fishers and boaties,” he explains.

The ramp was closed in May after the Coromandel Harbour and Boating Association expressed concerns about people stepping off the end of the ramp and getting stuck in mud and sediment which had has built up.

For a list of boat ramps around Coromandel Town and the wider district visit the Thames-Coromandel District Council's website at: www.tcdc.govt.nz/boatramps


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