Tauranga traffic chaos

Traffic backed-up as far as the eye can see on State Highway 2. Suplpied photo.

Holidaymakers returning home are being caught up in gridlock traffic.

A picture sent in from one Tauranga resident show traffic backed-up as far as the eye can see on both lanes of State Highway 2, between Tauranga and Katikati.

The resident says traffic has been at a crawling pace since they hit Waihi.

There are also reports of large traffic volumes at Te Maunga.

Motorists are being advised to be patient until the traffic clears.

How long this could take? That would be anyone's guess.


Sick of it!

Posted on 02-01-2017 17:12 | By TheCameltoeKid

This is the worst year yet. Before Christmas it was "The Great JAFFA Exodus" with those coming down here to escape their miserable existences and creating another traffic jam. Now we have Tauranga sheeple coming back home all at the same time! They should set up a checkpoint at Bethlehem and drench you all for bloody fleas! Simon Bridges, Get that TePuna bypass started NOW! Obviously the Western Bay Council doesn't have an intelligence test in their pre-employment policy because they have allowed the development of Omokoroa to proceed without the road or roads complete. The CEO of WBOPDC is clearly unqualified for the job and should resign! WBOPDC seems to me just to be an employment program for South African refugees. Jobs that clearly could be had by New Zealanders. This is unacceptable behavior by our local government and Simon Bridges!

Looks pretty normal to me.

Posted on 02-01-2017 18:36 | By cssr

That photo could have been taken on any normal work day morning. Why is this a surprise to anyone ?


Posted on 02-01-2017 22:49 | By groutby

.......I may or indeed may not agree and support your comments, but they are worthy of a reply from the WBOPDC and also perhaps the current Minister Bridges, but look, to be realistic, they are doing far more important things than addressing this situation. Who will answer..go on...anyone...???

here we go again

Posted on 03-01-2017 06:37 | By old trucker

There is NO NEED for roundabout at Tepuna, they put a 50 kmph sign each end now they started building it, I dont believe there has been any ACCIDENTS scince this has been done,this could have saved MILLIONS of $$$$$$$ by putting these signs up which i suggested many times,agree with Cameltoe Kid THERE is NO BRAINS in WBOPDC,they only think of their FAT pay CHEQUES and nothing else,as far as the last person you named at the end of your piece,well he DOES NOT CARE, my shillings worth,Thanks No1 in the Bay,10-4 out.

old trucker

Posted on 03-01-2017 09:49 | By TheCameltoeKid

Quite right. The TePuna roundabout is costing $12mil and a year to build by NZTA. If Bridges keeps to his word in a few years with the bypass all go then SH2 from Ainsworth road to town will revert to another country road owned by WBOPDC. What a senseless waste of money! The money would've been better spent on the Omokoroa intersection. As for the mindless bureaucrats at WBOPDC, they can't see past the almighty rates dollar! They have allowed the developement of Goldstone's farm and the orchards over the road without Omokoroa road and the intersection upgraded. With all these extra vehicles on the road and Omokoroa General Carriers only getting bigger it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going to happen. Well, apart from all the mindless bureaucrats at WBOPDC!

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