Massive crowds descend on art gallery

Young artist Sam Hudson, 7, with the magnificent piece of art he created during the ‘Paradox Inside Family Fun Day’ which is taking place at the Tauranga Art Gallery today. Photos: Tracy Hardy.

There's lines out the door and onto the street down at the Tauranga Art Gallery with hundreds of people taking part in the Paradox Inside Family Fun Day.

The family themed fun day gets children making their own street art inspired works and is one of a number of awesome events that's part of the inaugural Paradox: Tauranga Street Art Festival.

TAG Learning and Engagement Programmes manager Hannah Wilson says they had huge crowds visiting the gallery last weekend, and this weekend is looking likely to be just as large, if not bigger.

'We had about 300 people in the first hour of today's event, it's absolutely crazy but manageable, we've prepared for it everyone is having a great time.

Along with face painting, storytelling and an art treasure hunt, three ‘creation stations' have been setup which engage children in activities based on one of the works which appears in the Paradox Inside exhibition.

'One of the activities is based on the work by Sofles which is made on perspex panels, so the children are working with see-through plastic sheets to design an image that once you line all the pieces up you can see a bigger, better image.

'They're also doing some graffiti writing on paper, and we're also doing some crayon rubbings inspired by Lucy McLauchlan's artwork.”

Along with the family fun day, the gallery is also playing host to the Paradox Inside exhibition which features artworks created especially for TAG by seven internationally acclaimed artists.

The exhibition also features the Oi YOU! Collection including the most extensive assembly of the works of the acclaimed street artist Banksy, in the Southern Hemisphere, as well as a virtual reality experience created by world-famous Melbourne street artist Rone.

The Paradox Inside Family Fun Day is on at the Tauranga Art Gallery until 3pm. Entry costs $5 per family.

Lewis Hudson, 5.

Te Arani Wikohika, 12.

Alana Gage-Brown, 6.

Lucas Gage-Brown, 5.

Charlie, 8, and Mikaela Ketu, 9.

Brenda, Brooke and Maia, Poutawera.

Mila Vincent, 3.



Posted on 09-04-2017 12:33 | By Roadkill

Yes most likely the people, however the bills are to, very much so and they never get to be less, they never get challenged, all becomes a bit of a joke really. Looks all to be kids, so no door takings, nothing in, all going out.

roadkill and the bills

Posted on 09-04-2017 13:22 | By Murray.Guy

The 'bills are big' and in this instance (and others) I'm okay with that. There is a $5 family charge and it's about families. The displays are stunningly relevant to many in our community and appreciated by all that take the time to get out of their chair. While the '$bills are big', they are also insignificant for 'the arts' when compared to the $millions of rates spent subsidizing the Range Rover set and the rugby / cricket clubs, well capable of meeting the full cost of their chosen recreation. $1 million just for 'cricket lights'. Keep things in perspective team and we'll all feel better!

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