Final results for 2017 general elections

The final results are in for the 2017 General Elections.

The National Party has 56 seat, two less than on election night winning 44.4 per cent of the votes, and the Labour Party has 46 seats compared with 45 on election night, with 36.9 per cent of votes.

National Party Leader Bill English says today's result confirmed the National Party is in a strong position as the largest party.

He says his party is 10 seats ahead of Labour, and it was still ahead of a Labour-Greens combination.

Bill says losing two seats did not weaken the party's negotiating position.

Labour leader Jacinda Ardern says today's final election count has strengthened the mandate for change, and for negotiations to continue in earnest.

'We congratulate Angie Warren-Clark on becoming Labour's 14th additional MP, which expands the Labour caucus to 46 MPs.

'Angie brings valuable experience to our team through her role helping the most vulnerable in her community as manager of Tauranga's Women's Refuge. She will also strengthen Labour's presence in the Bay of Plenty.

'Over the coming days, Labour will focus all its efforts on completing negotiations,” says Jacinda.

Details of the official results are available from


Blue tinted glasses?

Posted on 07-10-2017 15:52 | By backofthequeue

Todays election results show National less 3.6% of the party vote and less 5 parliamentary seats when compared to 2014 while Labour gains 12.2% of the party vote and an additional 14 seats compared to 2014. One has to smile at Nationals "glass half full" interpretation of such an obvious shift away from the status quo.

Looking at recent history..........

Posted on 08-10-2017 09:12 | By groutby

...I would say that national would still not be dissatisfied with their result, after all, the 'specials' are almost always going to move "left" not entirely unexpected. In 2008 there was a truly major swing away from the left, right here, right now yes there is noticeable movement, but surely not enough to confirm a "need for change"..(change to what?..stable government?..reasonably strong economy?..without $$ welfare is stuffed)..There will always be things out there that NO government could totally fix, but, MMP is exactly what it let's see what Mr Peters brings to the table maybe next week and get back down to business...

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