8:51:47 Wednesday 26 March 2025

Underpass project on the home stretch

Work resumed on the underpass project this week after the holiday break. Photo: Bruce Barnard.

The $45 million Welcome Bay underpass project is on schedule for completion in the next three to four months, says NZTA project manager John McCarthy.

'We are going well. We are still on track for our plan which is still have project completed around the end of April this year.”

The next part of the construction that people will notice is the construction of the cycleway underpass under the off-ramp.

The diversion to take traffic past the excavation is currently under construction.

The cycle track will take cyclists from the underpass, and across to Hairini Street to link with the existing cycleway.

With the underpass in use, Hairini Street itself will no longer be a major traffic route.

If there are issues with rat runners, the NZTA will liaise with the city council about installing speed bumps to discourage its use, says John.

On the underpass itself the concrete panel are still being installed along the sides, a process that is expected to take about another month.

'We will come back and do base course, street barriers, lights and all the bits and pieces.”

At the Kaitemako Stream culvert, they are still awaiting a little bit of settlement.

The diversion route for the cycleway cutting is visible in the foreground. Photo: Bruce Barnard.

The public will know the project is nearing completion when the road sealing process begins.

'We would like to get it down while it is still nice and hot,” says John.

'We are aiming to do that by the end of March. We might put some sections down before that so we can use the areas for temporary traffic arrangements, we are still working through some of that.”

The power pole has returned to its original location and the NZTA is liaising with the local iwi about the remediation of the replanting of the central island of the Maungatapu roundabout.

The planting will be mostly natives and some will be of reasonable height, says John.

The original roundabout was thought to be one of only two forested roundabouts on state highway network.

'We like to try and use the natural barriers from headlights.”

Unlike the previous roundabout, the new one will be completely surrounded by a barrier.

There is also a planting scheme being planned to enhance adjacent wetland areas.


Roundabout Future

Posted on 10-01-2018 13:25 | By Mal C

How come in todays surge of population growth this structure is being built as a single lane each way? Surely some foresight tells us all that traffic growth will increase and congestion will be a major factor in very little time at all. I would hope the Causeway bridge will be replaced to cope with future growth as well.

Well done Fulton Hogan.

Posted on 10-01-2018 15:55 | By TheCameltoeKid

If only you guys had won the contract for the TePuna roundabout instead of the Clowns that actually did it would've been finished before time and under budget. This is what happens when a contract is won by Professionals instead of Part-timers who melt at the sight of rain and won't do overtime! Just look at the Armco barrier at TePuna, It's already been badly damaged and the cambre makes it deadly for top heavy trucks. But then again, that roundabout was a total waste of money as the money would've been better spent at Omokoroa. To make it work TePuna Station road needs to be blocked off at Teihana Place to stop the rat-runners choking the Wairoa River Bridge in the mornings. I simply am astounded at the levels of incompetence in the powers that be in this country! These people simply wouldn't last in the private sector!


Posted on 10-01-2018 18:28 | By Told you

Good for Welcome Bay but what about the Tauriko bypass not having access from 15th Ave a bad mistake from the planners.With the lakes now in full swing I would have thought this would be a priority project.

@ Mal C

Posted on 10-01-2018 22:33 | By The Caveman

You actually have a MAJOR point. One lane each way - a minor prang and and it ALL stops. Just like when they built the original harbour bridge - TWO lanes would be more than enough. YEAH RIGHT - the current FOUR LANES are not enough !!!

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