Check out study options at Toi Ohomai Open Day

Toi Ohomai is hosting an open day in Tauranga for prospective students on Friday. Photo: Richard Robinson Photography.

Heading into study but not sure where to start? At Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology's Tauranga Open Day on Friday, visitors can find out about the huge array of courses on offer.

From Architecture and Automotive, to Teaching and Tourism, visitors can find out everything they need to know about the area of study they're interested in.

Open Day organiser Nikki Hansen says students planning their future career are naturally going to have questions they want answered before they enrol, such as what the course covers and how it might lead into a future career.

'We want to make it easy for people to rock up and talk to tutors at our course information sessions that will be happening during the day. It's the perfect time to get all those questions answered,” she says.

'Open Day is also about giving students a taste of campus life, as well as having some fun. There will be campus tours, music, giant lawn games, spot prizes, and free ice creams and burgers for lunch.”

The team from the Information Centre will also be on hand to explain how to finance studies, and can provide more information on the Fees Free scheme and Study Link.

Nikki says individual faculties will also be hosting drop-in type sessions, where prospective students can talk directly to tutors and current students, including a mini Hospitality, Travel and Tourism expo; interactive art and design activities at Creative Industries; and tours around the Automotive, Carpentry and Engineering workshops.

And there's good news for students interested in hairdressing. From July, Toi Ohomai will once again be offering courses in hairdressing after a three-year hiatus.

'To celebrate, the team will be treating visitors to hair-ups, hair straightening and crimping sessions,” says Nikki. 'There will also be eye brow treatments, manicures, and a behind-the-scenes tour of the salon, where you'll get the chance to talk to our award-winning tutors.

'The only courses we won't have on display are Animal Care and Vet Nursing however we encourage anyone interested to register their interest with us on the day.”

The University of Waikato will also be holding information sessions to discuss the courses currently available, as well as those on offer once its new city campus is completed in Tauranga.

The Open Day is on Friday June 8 from 9am-1.30pm, at the Windermere Campus.


Yip easy...

Posted on 07-06-2018 14:53 | By Crash test dummies

There is somewhere in fact anywhere else that is better.

where is it

Posted on 07-06-2018 20:15 | By dumbkof2

where is this toy home eye

You mean

Posted on 07-06-2018 22:30 | By Capt_Kaveman

windermere polytech

no need

Posted on 08-06-2018 09:02 | By dumbkof2

so why did they need to change the name. nothing wrong with windermere polytech

@ dumbkof2

Posted on 09-06-2018 12:20 | By Crash test dummies

The name change reflects what you get and are in for within. Much being a reduction in standards, education levels and results such that generally you dont need to do anything to study, just han around and you get a piece of paper at the end. hence numbers drop, the results mean nothing and credible students will go elsewhere. There is a "replica" coming in the CBD, it will be about as good, useful and of course will achieve the same level of results generally.

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