Rena splits in two

The stranded cargo ship Rena has split in two, says Maritime New Zealand.

The ship ran aground on Astrolabe Reef on October 5, and has continued to be battered by bad weather and large swells.

Barges are on standby to tow away the two pieces if need be. Photo: MNZ.

MNZ says the weekends bad weather has now split the ship in two pieces.

The organisation says divers are still yet to examine the bottom of the ship to see if it's still joined underneath.

Spokesperson Bruce Fraser says they believe the ship will not disintegrate, but this is analysis is weather dependent.

Barges are on standby in case the vessel breaks up more, with plans to tow the two pieces away.



Posted on 02-01-2012 19:20 | By Capt_Kaveman

they even think about pushing it to papamoa beach once it breaks off


Posted on 02-01-2012 19:53 | By tl;dr

I thought it had already split months ago...


Posted on 03-01-2012 10:49 | By whatsinaname

it hadnt completly split in two. . whats the problem about pushing it to papamoa beach. they have to take it somewhere if they can to cut her up . dont matter where it is someone will complain. Let them get on with cleaning Rena up. May she rest in peace......


Posted on 03-01-2012 11:30 | By Chalky66

I would be extremely dissapointed if the salvors did beach the broken hull at Papamoa. If they can tow it to Pap bch then they can also tow it to the harbour where it can be better dismantled with less damage to the immediate environment.


Posted on 03-01-2012 14:16 | By wonkidonki

Why can we leave it on papamoa beach? the TCC can charge a fee for people boarding it to have a look around? I think its a good idea?


Posted on 03-01-2012 15:21 | By SCOTT NUFFIN4U

That is the second challenge, the first challenge is getting it off the reef and completing the break, it must still be attached below the water line. Needs another storm to remedy that I guess. Other wise when it sinks all the container contents will emerge over time, so best to drag it somewhere to best cut it up, Papamoa would seem the best. The Habour is not, the last thing wanted is 1/2 of Rena sunk in the channel = no habour then!

scott nuffin 4 u

Posted on 03-01-2012 15:33 | By whatsinaname

I was just going to say what you did about having rena in the harbour. just think wht happens if it sinks coming in the entrance, and all the pollution in the harbour. Gees. some people just dont think. better in shallow waters and the ocean beach is the best place. . another is to destroy it is where it is. but then all those containers will not get a chance to be saved. what will happen will happen.

Careful Thinking Needed

Posted on 03-01-2012 19:10 | By tabatha

To those who do not want it at Papamoa and think by towing into the harbour, where does it go? Also the danger of an uncontrolled hull (no motor just tugs) going throught the entrance is horrific. We have just gained extra shipping and Tauranga needs this trade to make it more then the $10 an hour image it has. The ocean beach is long and as long as they select a part that is least used and can be accessed (even if the access has to be created) is by far the best option. As it is it is over 23km to bring it into the beach. Carefully thinking and emotions need to be curbed.

Continental Shelf

Posted on 03-01-2012 19:58 | By kiwisan

As a certain blogger who is an expert on Salvage and things of a ship nature suggests,They should or may if possible drag the stern out to the Continental Shelf and sink it there.

It's not coming to the beach

Posted on 04-01-2012 05:52 | By Steve Morris

By ashore the salvors mean pushing it back onto the astrolabe reef folks.

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