More UFO sightings wanted

Two sightings of UFOs over Mount Maunganui earlier this year have prompted a local film maker to seek more sightings in hopes of creating a film about the believed extra-terrestrials.

The sightings posted on YouTube show white blurry objects passing by at speed but a local ufologist who didn't want to be named, says the quality is too poor for definitive analysis – they could be seagulls.

Seen anything like this?

Film maker Baz Mantis is compiling material for a short documentary and wants to hear from anyone else who has seen UFOs in Tauranga recently.

He's guaranteeing anonymity.

'There isn't enough recorded evidence in my opinion to make news or even justify any firm commitment from myself as an interested potential documentary producer, but I'm following leads,” says Baz.

'My next plan is to record interviews with witnesses who claim similar sightings.”

He's been in touch with the people who posted the Pilot Bay and Mount Maunganui footage, and they wish to remain anonymous.

'I was kind of expecting that though, and will comply with whatever anyone wants, just as long as they will talk on camera about what has happened to them. From what I have heard so far, the last three months have been an active time over Tauranga and the Mount for some reason.

'I am interested in talking with and filming anonymously anyone who has had a genuine experience and who has a genuine wish to share what happened to them, though it must be recent, as in this year, and only in the Tauranga/Mount area.

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Posted on 22-04-2012 10:40 | By Mr bay

So obvious that it is a seagull flying past.


Posted on 23-04-2012 02:58 | By knluc6

no.1,it is moving WAY too fast to be a,you can see that it blinks out a couple of times.(birds do NOT disappear in plain sight.)i'd also like to say,diehard skeptics are in so much denial,that a ufo could land in their driveway and they will STILL rationalize


Posted on 23-04-2012 12:27 | By Donnaw

That is one super fast seagull

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