Tauranga police dog breeds winners

A Tauranga police dog can be proud of his offspring after competing against four of his pups in the annual New Zealand Dog Championships in Trentham.

Tauranga Senior Constable Kayne Cording and Yoda were one of 12 teams at the annual championships, along with Yoda's four offspring - Issac, Ike, Lore and Link.

Tauranga police dog team – Senior Constable Kayne Cording and Yoda.

Kayne and Yoda finished in fourth place, while Yoda's offspring including Whakatane police dog team Isacc and Constable Jamie Kerr won second place, and the Commissioner's Challenge Cup for Obedience.

Yoda's other pup Ike took out third place with Constable Andrew Douglas from Wellington.

Other Wellington based team Constable Stuart Rota and Link came fifth, with Yoda's other pup Lore was ninth with Senior Constable Craig Loot from Auckland.

Tasman Police District dog handler Constable Julian Lewis and his dog Saegar won the national patrol dog title.

Inspector Gibson says it is excellent to see the success of the police dog breeding programme reflected in 11 of the 12 patrol dogs competing for national honours all bred by police.

As well as collecting the Frank Riley Cup for National Patrol Dog Champion team, the winning team also claimed the Dazuhalten Cup; the Keop Family Trophy; the Colin Guppy Trophy for tracking; the Monaghan Trophy and Bev Laybourn-Monaghan Memorial Cup for highest marks in heelwork; and the William Rose Bowl for criminal work disciplines.

Two other categories of competition featured narcotic and explosive detector teams comprising Police, Customs, Corrections and Aviation Security handlers.

Senior Constable Ross Clarke and Archie from Auckland won the Narcotic Detector Championship title and the Maidstone Auto Point Trophy for highest marks in locating white powders.



Posted on 30-04-2012 10:45 | By CC8

I hope this is a sport played outside of paid time and the travel and accommodation costs are not sponsored by US the taxpaying public of NZ. It's nice to see the dogs can do a good job, but at a time when everybody is tightening their belts and the police association are whinging about not having enough frontline staff.... we shouldn't be paying for "games".

Fantastic work

Posted on 30-04-2012 21:28 | By Jolene Publique

Congratulations Kayne and Yoda, it is great to see we have some top talent here in the Bay. Keep up the good work.


Posted on 01-05-2012 10:15 | By Donnaw

Guess who it would be that would come to your rescue if you needed help....and the so called "games" are what makes these officers and there dogs able to assist you, when you do need their help. So really....as a tax payer, i dont mind my taxes going to this sort of thing, at least its going to a worthy cause and not just being thrown away as handouts. People are always so quick to critizise the Police etc, but when they are in trouble, they are the first ones we turn to, and they come no mater what, dont know if id like to run around chasing some pysco with a gun....would you?

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