Tsunami warning idea

G'Day Brian, I think that the Tsunami-Warning suggestion put forward by MD in Letters, 4 May (plane towing warning sign) is a brilliant idea, one of the best I've heard, of course it needs some fine tuning.
It would need to be sent up in other languages such as Maori, Pinyin, Braille for the hard of hearing, and an extra large version towed by a 747 in case any Aussies are in town.
And just think of the side benefits, like the exercise one would get tearing outside with your survival gear every-time an aircraft flies over.
Now some people may think this system would not work at night, no worries, every one would be issued with a powerful torch and binoculars and maybe the odd searchlight set up downtown, that should do the trick. I reckon an idea like that is worth free membership of the Tauranga AFI Club any day, I think we should spend a few $M on the idea, we could put it on the rates, the people of Tauranga won't mind, they're used to it being done by AFI members on the council… Oh by the way, in case of false-alarms, we would need half a dozen SAMs. (Surface to Air Missiles)
Push it, it's a great idea.

Alan Bradley, Omokoroa.


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