Telework Week planned to raise awareness

Communications and Information Technology Minister Amy Adams has announced that an event will be held to raise awareness about the benefits of businesses having staff work from home.

The inaugural Telework Week will run from 12-16 November to promote employees using ICT to work away from their traditional place of employment, while monitoring the savings and productivity gains made in doing so.

'The aim is for businesses to learn more about telework and consider how it might benefit them and their employees. It is timely for businesses to think about telework and the options an ultra-fast broadband workplace provides,” Ms Adams says.

'After the week's end, businesses should have a better understanding of the technological and workplace practices required to make teleworking a success.

'This will also provide a good opportunity to demonstrate other benefits of telework, for example the environmental benefits of reduced fuel consumption and road congestion, and disaster recovery preparedness.

The initiative, which is led by Cisco, in partnership with Crown Fibre Holdings, Vodafone, Datacom and NZICT, is being held in conjunction with Telework Week in Australia.

For information about Telework Week go to:

Minister for Communications and Information Technology


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