Blackcaps vs England “going ahead” – organiser

Despite the extreme weather, Bay Oval general manager says the test match between the Black Caps and England is going ahead this Thursday. Photo: David Hall.

Bay Oval general manager Kelvin Jones says the upcoming test match between the Black Caps and England is going ahead, despite the weather.

He says the team has made some early and additional preparations to make sure the upcoming game will go ahead as smoothly as possible.

'It's been full on. We've squeezed about a week's worth of preparations into about one or two days. But that's what we're here for, it's all about getting the game going, which we're confident will happen,” says Kevlin.

'The wickets have been ready for a couple of days, and have been under cover to stop the weather. We've known this was coming for a while, so we've fast-forwarded the preparation.”

Kelvin says thanks to the great drainage at Bay Oval, the grounds are 'looking great”.

'There's no surface flooding at this point so we're quietly optimistic.”

When asked about other preparations the team has made, Kelvin says 'lots of off field stuff” such as LEDs, a broadcasting setup and marquis have taken up the bulk of their time.

The Black Caps team training today. Photo: David Hall.

'All of this usually would take us five days, but because of the weather we have held off. I guess in our favour we don't start until 2pm on Thursday so that's on our side too.”

On the likelihood of the event being cancelled, Kelvin says the game 'will still happen” despite weather.

'There's an awful lot of logistics in matches like this from players to broadcasters, there's lots that goes on around the game. We've planned and prepared as if it is going ahead, if the worst were to happen that's just the way it is, but we're being a lot more optimistic than that.”

Kelvin adds the wider Bay Oval team is 'super excited” for the upcoming match.

'It's a new first for us. a day/night test match is something we haven't done before. If the weather is good, we're looking at fantastic crowds too so it's all very exciting.”

'Although the weather is terrible now, we're still on track for Thursday. There's lots of activities, especially for kids. Perfect opportunity to come down after work. Tickets are reasonably priced too!”

For more information about the upcoming test match between the Black Caps and England, or to buy tickets, visit the event website.



Posted on 13-02-2023 18:20 | By dumbkof2

just make england the winner now and save a lot of money

Sorry -

Posted on 13-02-2023 22:09 | By The Caveman

Thursday !!! Ain't going to happen !!

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