Efficient building consent system being promised

Building consents are needed before any works begin around the region.

A new online building consenting system is promising to make life a little easier for those in the building business.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council will switch to ‘Objective Build' in late March/ early April 2023, providing a streamlined and real-time platform to track building consent progress online, and receive a notification when there's an update.

All new and existing building consents will be moved to the new system.

Council's building services manager Nigel Mogford says Objective Build shows council's commitment to giving customers a more user friendly, and transparent experience.

'There's no doubt the Western Bay has been growing quickly. We're processing upwards of 1300 building consents each year. And we're committed to ensuring that our systems and processes work well, and that our customers have a great experience. This technology can help with that.

'Simple things like knowing where your consent is in the process, being able to track its progress online, and receiving a notification when there's an update – will give clarity to the process and remove stress and unnecessary admin.”

The new system promises to be very simple and easy to use for new and first-time consent applicants. And applicants with consents still in-progress will be migrated over automatically.

You'll receive an email on our go live date, which will take you to a webpage where you can create your account.

As with all new systems, it will be a big change and our team are keen to ease any concerns, by providing in-person and online demonstrations of how Objective Build works.

There will be an Objective Build expert on hand at each session to answer any pātai/question.

All are welcome to join us at any of our information sessions.

Register for any of these events by emailing buildingcomms@westernbay.govt.nz

Barkes Corner demonstration session

Monday, March 13, 3-4pm (download a calendar event .ics or Google Calendar)

Friday, March 17, 9-10am (download a calendar event .ics or Google Calendar)

Online webinar

Monday, March 20, 12-1pm (download a calendar event .ics or Google Calendar)

If you want to do some homework before then, head to our website to see video tutorials and support info - westernbay.govt.nz/objective-build

The move to Objective Build follows a trend of Councils around Aotearoa making the change. Six councils are using Objective Build already and around 50 more are expected to follow.

Tauranga City Council will also make the switch to the same online system shortly after Western Bay giving the industry a consistent experience across the rohe/region.

And one of the key benefits of Objective Build is that you'll only need one account, to access all building consents you have lodged with any council using Objective Build.

Other benefits to get excited about include being able to

  • Respond directly to requests for further information (RFI)
  • Add key contacts to the consent (builders, subtrades, designers) so they're on the same page and can respond directly
  • Apply online for amendments, code of compliance certificates etc

To sign up for one of our in-person or online events, or read more visit westernbay.govt.nz/objective-build

1 comment

Sounds Good

Posted on 08-03-2023 09:23 | By FRANKS

How many less staff will be needed at the Councils when it is implemented???

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