An enormous burden on the healthcare sector

Re: News article in The Weekend Sun, titled ‘Stick to the limit, stay alive’, page 9, Friday, January 12, 2024.

Although each and every motor vehicle accident fatality is one too many, the true cost to society lies with those fortunate enough to survive. Speeding, falling asleep at the wheel or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs cost society millions of dollars and thousands of hours of intensive medical resources each year.

Pre-hospital (paramedic) care, hospital beds including ICU time, surgery (often multiple trips to the OR), nursing care, allied health intervention and post-discharge

rehabilitation place an enormous burden on the healthcare sector. It soaks up dollars and time that could have been allocated elsewhere.

It is frustrating to witness drivers’ behaviour on our roads, knowing that billions of dollars and thousands of lives are wasted annually.

J Marnewick, Trauma Medical Director, Tauranga Hospital.

1 comment


Posted on 26-01-2024 09:40 | By groutby

...could possibly disagree with the writer from someone who clearly knows....but what of a solution?....this IMO lies squarely within us as a society and the way we conduct ourselves as responsible (or not) citizens in a responsible way....and there is the problem (or one of them) over latter years and certainly since the 'covid' duration, many seem to have discovered a new and rather 'self centred' and in some cases seemingly void of a morality and values 'way of life,' all with no or minimal consequences.
We cannot rely on government services as the total solution but I do wonder how we can modify our more recent behaviours particularly to those with no intention or even realising the results of their actions in society....

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