Constitutional review: ‘MPs should answer’

I would like to commend Rob Colmore for his letter (14 Dec). The current government constitutional review is causing much disquiet.
However, I have always assumed that in our democracy significant constitutional change can only occur with the mandate of the people expressed through referendum. This principle seems to be acknowledged even in countries without a long tradition of democracy. It would be most helpful at this point in time if local MPs Simon Bridges and Tony Ryall could comment on this issue. I would like to ask them publicly through this newspaper whether they can assure us that any proposal for significant constitutional change would be put to us in the form of a referendum and not simply foisted upon us. A very simple question.

R Rimmer Welcome Bay.

The Sun referred this question to MP Simon Bridges -

MP Bridges responds: No plans to change

Deputy Prime Minister Bill English has stated that the Government's position is that the current constitutional arrangements are satisfactory and that we want to retain the dynamism of our country's unwritten constitution. Constitutional change should not be undertaken lightly. Public understanding and acceptance would be required for there to be change to our country's constitutional arrangements and there would need to be either broad cross-party agreement or the majority support of voters at a referendum.

Hon. Simon Bridges
Member of Parliament for Tauranga.

1 comment


Posted on 03-05-2013 14:28 | By davidscott

so why are the current government allowing this process to continue and providing the wherewithall to encourage a change.

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