Guards may patrol gallery bus stop

Security guards may be employed to patrol the bus stop area outside Tauranga Art Gallery, Tauranga City Council decided today.

The decision comes after concerns were raised about the number of violence related incidents outside the gallery on Willow Street.

Security guards may patrol the bus stops outside the Tauranga Art Gallery.

Councillors today voted to pass a 'more fluid and flexible” version of what councillor Tony Christiansen originally proposed.

Tony originally stated council should pay for a security guard to watch the bus stop, which has been a constant source of trouble over recent months.

'I think it's about time we did something,” says Tony.

Realising the motion will prevent council accepting offers of free volunteer help from organisations like Maori Wardens, who had two representatives at the meeting, the motion was amended to allow volunteers to assist the security guard.

The other option of free assistance is uncertain, but council said it will discuss with police the idea of moving the police community constable's office to the vacant cafe on the ground floor opposite the bus stop.

Even the assistance of the wardens is not going to be the complete answer because they cannot police the bus stop for the entire week, says councillor Terry Molloy.

He says the reported troubles are probably only the tip of the iceberg. People are intimidated, and some cross the road to avoid walking past the bus stop.

He says it affects the city council's shop front, the i-Site, and the library.

Tony says even with volunteer assistance paid security will be required because they will have the mandate to police the situation.

The first amendment carried, and councillor Larry Baldock wanted to introduce a three month time limit to see if it works or not. Councillor David Stewart supported its flexibility.

When chairman Bill Faulkner questioned the funding option which Tony moved that the council should pay for, Tony says the security guard is to protect ratepayers.

'It's to protect people's rights by ensuring their right to walk down the street and catch a bus.”

He didn't support the amendment, which was carried – as was the motion that a security guard may be hired to patrol the bus stop between 3pm and 5.30pm as required. It will begin as soon as practicable and be funded from current budgets while alternative partnership funding is explored.

Councillor Murray Guy suggested the council seek funding from the bus operator - the Bay of Plenty Regional Council


Why are councillors using rates to do a Police job?

Posted on 25-03-2013 17:18 | By Gee Really

Law and order is the job of the police. Have Tony Christiansen and other councillors got spare money to throw around on security guards? I thought Council was reducing staff numbers. What is so difficult about getting the polcie patrolling like they've been doing recently? Or has all the money been spent on a new station?

For God Sake People

Posted on 25-03-2013 17:56 | By Tony

This Tauranga Not New York The Gallery people are being damm silly and wiping up a frenzy about nothing . The area is not a Ghetto. Im over 50 and walk there from the office offen Day and Night. Plenty of lights... Yes Classical Music ..Yes Gaurds....Wake up

What happened to the obvious?

Posted on 25-03-2013 21:27 | By groutby

I cannot understand why this was not forseen before the bus service was centralised downtown,how good does this look to out tourists and locals alike....thanks guys! :(

Basket case gitterbugs

Posted on 26-03-2013 08:35 | By RORTSCAM

These Council clowns caused this mess by placing the bus centre in the wrong place at a huge cost.Which EM's didn't vote for this fiasco.Now LL Baldock and WOS Christiansen( it is better when you are not in City Hall) want security guards posted at a huge cost to TCC ratepayers just like the Matapihi rail bridge.You idiots caused the cock up so you police it yourselves and the only security guards that should be employed should be to keep EMs locked in Chambers away from the unsuspecting public.Prevent kneejerking just don't do it to start with.


Posted on 26-03-2013 15:45 | By YOGI

Why is the quesiton, actually when you think about it jsut a little bit TCC Councillors were told this would happen and many other obvious reasons that the location was the "least desireable" option yet as usual TCC boldly goes where no man ever went before .... These type of facilities are a gravitating magnet for classy people and that is a fact.


Posted on 26-03-2013 15:51 | By YOGI

All of COuncillors were clearly told by many of the fatal flaws in the plan for Willow Street, all you are seeing is yet again the dreams of the few are again causing pain to the many and so history repeats ... There of course was a desperate need to get hold of the NZTA handout for this project anyway, but other options still looked better, cheaper and no problems.

Maori Wardens!

Posted on 26-03-2013 20:20 | By Murray.Guy

The Maori Wardens were on duty today, volunteering their time. Very much appreciated. Groubty, yes, the issues being experienced are not unique to Willow Street, Tauranga. They go hand in hand with urban bus transfer stations. They were understood, just ignored.


Posted on 27-03-2013 10:29 | By Capt_Kaveman

on some that have no idea about where the bus should go willow st is the best place, as for unruly kids thats the way it is and will get worse as govt sits around and does nothing to end this behavior, best option here is just random checks by police with searching people and bags gen its only a handful and the ones that hang around the toilet seating area which is only used by them so these seats need to be removed

DA Kave Mun

Posted on 27-03-2013 22:24 | By PLONKER

Yo, go in some daylight and venture around a few nearby streets and you will find a number of "better" places for the bus stop, there is little that is of benefit toteh retails with these buses by the hundred thundering up and down the street. PS go read the well informed objectors to this mad scheme from the RMA hearings, they knew the best answer.

Maori warden

Posted on 28-03-2013 00:56 | By Crash test dummies

They are good sorts, perhaps after a stint at the bus stop they could then be scheduled to visit the waitangi tribunal with a couple of blokes from the Maori Battalion to fix that place next?

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