Water works for Baypark

ASB Baypark's brand new jetsprint track is set for it first major test with Tauranga City Council beginning water pressure testing at the stadium tomorrow.

Council communications advisor Marcel Currin says the testing is part of council's preparation to supply water needed for the track, ahead of round two of the ENZED V8 Jetsprint Championship series on Saturday, January 25.

ASB Baypark's jetsprint track. Photo: Tracy Hardy.

This is the first time V8 jet sprint races have been held in an enclosed seated arena.

'Neighbouring properties may notice a drop in water pressure during Friday's test, and again at intermittent intervals on the day of the jet sprint event on Saturday January 25,” says Marcel.

He says there may also be some discolouration to the water supply for some properties in Bayfair and Arataki.

'If discolouration occurs it will be a natural result of sudden changes in water pressure and is not harmful.”

Any concerns about water quality should be directed to council on 07 577 7000.



Posted on 16-01-2014 20:39 | By joe p

What an enterprising project, we need more people like these organizers running our country. Sadly I will not be able to attend as I am overseas. Hope all goes to plan, thanks Bob Clarkson for having the foresight to build this Stadium.


Posted on 16-01-2014 22:37 | By Capt_Kaveman

object that my rates funded water be used for such a process and that the event source the water elsewhere

Go a little deeper ..

Posted on 17-01-2014 00:01 | By Murray.Guy

Go a little deeper and the incoming tide will fill it! Certainly going to be an excellent event that hopefully is well supported. Totally unique!

The water is the.....

Posted on 17-01-2014 10:40 | By Bronzewing

cheapest part of the whole track process. A major break can waste more than that. Check you rates bill to see how little you are paying for a cube of water. The event will be spectacular so to all the knockers, get out from behind your keyboard and into the real world.

A new watersport for the stadium?

Posted on 17-01-2014 10:57 | By The author of this comment has been removed.

Jetsprint rugby could be the new game on the block. Just be careful where the scrum goes down.

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