Free Gate Pa concert tonight

Music from 1864 is set to flow from Huria Marae in Judea at 6pm tonight as another free public event unfolds to commemorate 150 years since the Battle of Gate Pa.

Tonight's free event – called the First NZ String Quartet Concert – is on from 6pm-8pm and the public is welcome to attend, with Pukehinahina Charitable Trust sponsoring the gig.

Ngai Tamarawhaho historian Des Tata, speaking at last night's Battle of Gate Pa Lecture Series at St George's Church.

The Second NZ String Quartet Concert will take place tomorrow night at the same marae, with the public once again welcome.

Gate Pa 150th Commemoration project director Buddy Mikaere says the public is invited to an array of free events during this week and weekend, leading to next Tuesday, April 29, which is the 150-year commemoration day at the Gate Pa Reserve.

'We are keen to involve as much of the Tauranga community as possible, so they can learn more about our local history and the founding of our city.”

Last night many attended the Battle of Gate Pa Lecture Series at St George's Church to hear both sides of the Gate Pa story from military historian Dr Cliff Simons and Ngai Tamarawhaho historian Des Tata.

Both speakers gave an in-depth presentation on the historic event, which commemorates 150 years since the battle, next Tuesday.

Dr Cliff Simons also presented the same lecture series last year to a crowd of 200 at the church, located on the battle site itself where dozens of men lost their lives in 1864.

'You might not realise it, but you are sitting on a significant battlefield...where there was a battle that shaped the foundation of the nation we have now,” Cliff told last night's crowd.

The two-hour lecture was sponsored by the Pukehinahina Charitable Trust, which is organising the Battle of Gate Pa 150th Commemoration events.

Buddy says the general public is invited to the free events leading up to and including the commemoration day on April 29.

'On Tuesday there will be a dawn blessing of the new pou and flagpole at the Gate Pa Reserve, a full military service at the Mission Cemetery, a military march to the Gate Pa Reserve up Cameron Rd, massed wero and haka by iwi in response, and a Ecumenical service and ceremony.”

Further information, visit:


Tree flowering

Posted on 24-04-2014 09:56 | By SonnyJim

I noticed the other day that a pohutukawa tree is flowering at the Gate Pa northern entrance viewed from the tennis courts.

150 years Gate Pa

Posted on 24-04-2014 15:59 | By steveo52

I hope ratepayers are not paying for what is being done at the site at gate pa

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