Kiwifruit optimism high

Nearly four years since kiwifruit vine disease Psa-V was first detected in New Zealand – bringing devastating effects – the industry is back in growth mode and optimism is high.

New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Inc president Neil Trebilco says grower returns are increasing, with some earning an orchard gate return of up to $245,000 per hectare.

Young visitors to New Zealand are among those harvesting kiwifruit in Te Puke this season.

About 17 to 18 million trays of gold kiwifruit, including about nine million trays of new variety Zespri SunGold, will be harvested this season – up from about 11 million trays last season.

Green and gold kiwifruit will account for a total crop volume of about 85 million trays.

The demand for the fruit is illustrated in licences to grow the new gold variety SunGold now fetching up to $100,000 per hectare. Zespri initially sold the licences for $8000 per hectare.

Neil says orchards are also selling readily for good prices, with many being snapped up by existing growers.

Kiwifruit Industry Strategy Project chairman Neil Richardson says the industry is well on track to growing from the current $1 billion to a $3b industry within a decade, contributing up to $10b annually to the NZ economy.

But Neil Trebilco says growers can't become complacent about Psa-V. The disease is believed to be present in all orchards and given the right cold, damp conditions, could again become a problem.

While SunGold appears more tolerant of Psa-V than the gold Hort16A, it has largely replaced, it is not resistant – and good orchard management and attention to detail is needed to keep the disease under control.

Neil also acknowledges not all growers are in recovery, with some still suffering from the emotional and financial impacts of the disease which caused them to lose their income.

Zespri's grower and government relations general manager Simon Limmer says the industry mood has gone from 'cautiously optimistic” last season to 'optimistic” this year.

Growers are well aware as volumes of Zespri SunGold increase, prices will come back.

However, Simon says by 2018, when total export volumes are predicted to reach 117 million trays, the industry will have a balanced portfolio of both green and gold – and increased orchard production of gold should still ensure good returns.

The mainly fine weather throughout this harvest season means all of the gold fruit has now been picked and harvesting continues of Hayward Green.

Fruit has been selling in Japan for several weeks and first shipments are now in Europe's markets.

Costume designer Colleen Sheridan of London is spending part of her New Zealand holiday picking green kiwifruit in Te Puke.

Bunny Ririnui of Te Puke is one of the 150 employees packing fruit during one shift at Trevelyan's Packhouse in Te Puke.

Trevelyan's Packhouse at Te Puke is operating two shifts a day to pack kiwifruit.

Modern grading and sizing equipment is part of the quality control and efficiency measures at Trevelyan's Packhouse Te Puke.

Kiwifruit is exported in a wide range of packaging, designed for different markets and consumer preferences.


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