ACT selects Tauranga candidate

Mount Maunganui investor Stuart Pedersen is the ACT Party's candidate for Tauranga, party leader Jamie Whyte has announced.

'Stuart has strong ties to this region and I'm glad he has agreed to do his best to grow ACT's party vote in the area,” says Mr Whyte.

ACT Party candidate Stuart Pedersen.

Stuart, 53, grew up in the Eastern Bay and now lives in Mt Maunganui with his wife Pamela. Their two children are currently studying in Auckland.

He has worked in the economics and investment fields, and is currently a private investor and an active volunteer in the community through Rotary and as Chairman of the Bay of Plenty Sailing Academy Trust.

'I have been a strong believer in ACT's principles from the start” says Stuart.

'I want to live in an open, progressive, liberal and compassionate society where everyone is free to pursue their aspirations, provided they respect others, and where nobody is left behind.

'Those are the principles which drove ACT's founders to free us from the creeping repression of the Muldoon-era, and the party's new leadership is really renewing our focus on those sound principles.

'I'm looking forward to introducing Tauranga to ACT's plans to introduce lower and flatter taxes and a three strike policy for burglary.

'My career in economics and investment taught me that taxes don't just take cash out of the private sector, they can screw with people's household and business decisions and in doing so, shrink the economic pie. Lower and flatter taxes, funding a smaller government which doesn't waste money on middle class and corporate welfare, will help us grow the pie for everyone's benefit.”

National needs a reliable coalition partner so that New Zealand can retain a stable government that values freedom, choice, and personal responsibility, says Stuart.

'They also need sharp, energetic allies who can keep them on task, should they risk falling prey to third term malaise - or arrogance,” says Stuart.

'Dr Jamie Whyte and his team are perfect. Whether you are in Tauranga or elsewhere, the best way to achieve this is by giving your party vote to ACT.”

1 comment


Posted on 06-08-2014 10:44 | By Mr Tank

This flat tax lunacy has been completely refuted by the bitter experience of those society's that have tried it, it just doesn't work. As has a three strikes policy for crime. The New Zealand public know this, that's why fundamentalists such as Mr Pedersen and his ACT cohorts have buckley's chance of being taken seriously. Mr Pedersen is, as Sir Humphrey would say, "a courageous man!"

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