Successful politicians say 'Thanks'

Successful National candidates Todd Muller and Simon Bridges are this morning thanking those who supported them through a 'surreal campaign”.

The pair, who both won their seats in a landslide vote on Saturday night, have taken to the roadsides with thank you signs and big grins for passers-by.

Simon Bridges outside Tauranga Bridge Marina.

Todd Muller and wife Michelle say thank you.

Todd, the new Bay of Plenty MP, joined wife Michelle at the Turret Road bridge, sheltering from the rain with blue umbrellas.

It was his last thank you effort being travelling to Wellington at 9.30am this morning.

'I feel like I'm going back to school,” he says. 'The only thing I don't have is my packed lunch.”

Todd is overwhelmed by the support he has received in taking over long-standing MP Tony Ryall, who is now officially retired from politics.

Simon, now serving his third term as Tauranga MP, was spotted with a large ‘Thank You' sign outside Tauranga Bridge Marina.

Simon says supporters and himself 'braved the rain” to thank Tauranga for its strong support for himself as returning Tauranga MP and the National Party.

'I think we have secured big gains for the city but there is more to come.

'I am deeply appreciative of the people who stuck to keep the faith for another three years."

After spending time with wife Natalie and sons Emlyn and Harry yesterday, Simon is preparing to head back down to Wellington tomorrow for a National Party caucus meeting.

At the meeting he expects Prime Minister John Key to lay down the law to the party and show 'no arrogance” having secured a third term in power.

He cannot say whether he will continue as Minister for Energy and Resources.

Simon won his seat with an overwhelming 17,115 votes. Below is a pie chart of the Tauranga electorate results.

17,115 votes.

Todd won his seat with a landlside 20,013 votes. Results of the Bay of Plenty seat are below.


Good result but trending downward

Posted on 22-09-2014 10:54 | By jed

Bridges had 21,911 votes in the 2011 election, but 18,967 in this election. So, he has lost some support. A lot of this drop has to do with his poor performance on Campbell live over offshore drilling. I voted for national although not that happy with them.Better than the rest I guess.

Go for It TODD

Posted on 22-09-2014 14:46 | By carpedeum

Well Todd certainly deserves this landslide win- he has worked SO HARD to reach out to the people of his electorate and succeeded

Life as an MP is hard

Posted on 22-09-2014 17:09 | By BullShtAlert

First there's the salary which must be hard to live on, then there's the travel and airpoints. I guess there's some perks and it usually isn't long before a number of "fact finding" overseas jaunts come along. But maybe I'm just jealous it isn't me???

HAZARD to drivers

Posted on 23-09-2014 09:08 | By Shocking!

Wonder who else found his Antics on the Roadside a hazard for motorists and not to mention the DELAYS' he caused getting to and from work last week!!! Not impressed.

1 4 GK

Posted on 23-09-2014 10:43 | By 1 4 GK

Hey Jed...... Maybe Simon's vote went down because of the boundary change. Tauranga lost quite a big piece of the Mount which is now in the Bay of Plenty Electorate. As for the "perks" referred to by "B....Sht", try working 16 hour days, 7 dys a week for a while then ask yourself if the salary and travel is a perk!!!

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