The cargo ship Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef on October 5, 2011 subsquently causing one of the country's worst environmental disasters.
This is an index of all the news items published to SunLive about the disaster and its impact on the Bay of Plenty community since this time.
SunLive has led the news on this incident, from breaking news early Wednesday, to having the first published aerial photos of the ship and slick, to being the first media on the water to reveal exactly what the oil is.
Tuesday November 8
Explosives considered in salvage
NZ sonar for Rena salvors
Rena rupture can't ruin holidays
Hope to start oil pumping today
Monday November 7
Rena: 'Milestone' day in oil pumping
Oil pumping hindered by gases
Sunday November 6
100th volunteer group launches
Rena: The waiting game
Saturday November 5
Goff suits up to clean beaches
Rena rally to bury anger
Oil pumping makes progress
Friday November 4
Salvors work on starboard tank
Thursday November 3
Rena package aims at front end only
Rena cost up to $14 million
Rena's rotting cargo assessed
‘Penguin Hilton' in business
Conditions ease around Rena
Wednesday November 2
Rena remains reef bound
Rena – subsidy relief for businesses
Rena – storm can't break it
Fireworks cancelled for bird safety
Rena captain faces RMA charge
Rena survives the night
Tuesday November 1
Anxious watch over doomed ship
Rena groans with crack and fracture
Cargo owner expresses little hope
Rena: bracing for the worst
Rena buckling in the storm
Rena offers curriculum stimulus
Rena – reader poem contribution
Weather watch on Rena
Monday October 31
Rena braced for third storm
Rena – reader poem contribution
Clean-up focus on Matakana
Rena – one heavy fuel tank left
Shellfish risk zones
Sunday October 30
Boaties urged off water
Port's high profile in Rena rescue
Rena offers employment opportunity
Hopes to reach underwater tank
Saturday October 29
Two Rena fuel tanks empty
Friday October 28
Rena impact report with govt
VoIP the new Rena star
Salvors focus on starboard task
Thursday October 27
Rena cost climbs as oil sticks
Fresh oil on Mount Maunganui beaches
Wednesday October 26
Rena oil risk under 1000 tonnes
Penguins housed for long term care
Techie issue for Rena cam
Rena: still stable, half oil pumped
Tuesday October 25
Oil threatening Mayor Island
University scientists study oil
A third of oil pumped off Rena
Monday October 24
Marine exclusion zone changed
More progress, more oil
Sunday October 23
Oil spill aimed for Mayor Island
Preserving Rena memories online
New oil leakage overnight
Swimming restrictions lifted
Saturday October 22
Community show their spirit
Breeding nests affected by oil
Rena fuel pumping continues
Pets warned off the beaches
Friday October 21
Beach opens, exclusion zone shrinks
Rahui remains in place
Oil holds up beach business
Rena relief – not just a bailout
Visitors warned clear of beaches
Joint Council Emergency Message, Friday
Rena: Oil pumped, clean up on
Thursday October 20
Booster pump key to oil recovery
On the rocks - sun aids oil removal
Rena cargo recovery phase looms
Coromandel oil surveillance begins
Maori tribe assists island clean-up
Hopes to resume oil pumping
Wednesday October 19
Rena bends at its cracks
Media mischief blocks Rena names
Greens push for business relief
Costamare fronts on insurance
Oil pumping held, Rena moves again
Rena brings BBC fame
Motiti's seals surviving
WWF raising money for Rena
Rena cargo debris washes ashore
Joint Council Emergency Message, Wednesday
Tuesday October 18
Rena left to creak alone
Rena: Cargo operator gives $1million
Salvors prepare to leave Rena
Rena: Bridges' view
Rena: PM to meet business leaders
Boat ramps re-open
Bad weather halts oil pumping
Monday October 17
Rena: in one broken piece
Rena splits in two - time is short
Rena sadness in song
Boat ramps still closed
Joint Council Emergency Message, Monday
Rena business impacts sought
Rena: 21 tonnes pumped overnight
Oil pumped from Rena
Sunday October 16
Mt Maunganui mainbeach reopens
Shipping lanes 'all clear'
Feeding the hungry volunteers
Eastern bay prepares for oil
Saturday October 15
Containers on the move

Motiti Island: big mess
Police call for common sense
Clean up continues
Memories and possessions lost
Rena grounded on purpose?
Care provided for wildlife and staff
Community rallies behind volunteers
Friday October 14
Rena's oil slick claims 1000 lives
Boat ramps closed for weekend
Rena clean-up optimism shown
Oil damage to rocks worse than sand
PM: Financial assistance
Motiti's quiet disaster
Rena: Preparations to pump fuel
What is ferro silicon?
Consent waiver for container moves
Oil heading to Waikato
Clean-up support ranks swell
Police on beach patrol
Thursday October 13
Port operations suspended
Rena owner - 'signomi'
Fund to help care for coast
Papamoa pounded by oil
Ships escorted into port
Beaches close from Mount to Maketu
Rena's economic impact surfacing
Name suppression for navigator
Labour leader reacts to Rena
Containers on Mount beach
Joint Council Emergency Message, Thursday
Second officer to appear in court
Wednesday October 12
Rena's hull cracking
Seen a container?
Beached containers: hands off
Attempts made to track containers
Shellfish warning extended
Oil becomes airborne
Hull marks show Rena's reef stress
Oil blows into Tauranga suburbs
Rena captain appears in court
Containers sighted at Motiti
Rena captain in court
Navigation warning
Public demand answers on Rena
Rena captain arrested
Containers tumble off Rena's deck
Tuesday October 11
Rena: Environmental disaster
Beached oil clean up issues
Rena crew make landfall
Rena: Breach in main fuel tank
Corexit's shady rep revealed
Grim sight at oil stricken beach
Joint Council Emergency Message, Tuesday
Rena moves, ship evacuated
Rena: Public meeting tonight
More oil leaking from Rena
Monday October 10
Beach love tests official response
Pumping to resume
Mount Beach to close for clean-up
Vacant supermarket, Rena ops base
Oil washes up on Mount Main Beach
Joint Council Emergency Message
Rena braced for storm
Fuel pumping suspended
Pumping of fuel begins
Sunday October 9
Pumping of fuel to begin
Oil to strike Papamoa on Wednesday
NZ Defence Force on standby
Health warnings on seafood
Rena: boaties warned to stay away
Tar-like ooze threat to beaches
Rena: Local artists' protest for action
Darkening skies close on Rena
Rena oil pumping operation close
Wildlife victim count rises
Saturday October 8
Oil drenched wildlife recovering
Time's short for oil pumping
Public asked not to touch oiled wildlife
Rena: iwi place ban on fishing
Stalled action 'sheer frustration'
Rena oil slick: booms take time
Oiled wildlife threat heightens
Friday October 7
First oiled penguins signal trouble
Joyce: Oil leak to get worse
Oil slick: ‘black, sticky, horrible'
Oily residue hard to clean up
Rena: bird treatment base set-up
Rena: call for government action
Bird advocates ask for booms
Mayor Island landowners in limbo
Oil slick dispersant ineffective
Thursday October 6
Dead birds found near oil
Oil leak, marine life at risk
Fresh eyes on oil slick
Divers fear reef damage severe
Reef strike inquiry launched
Ship's oil spreads 2km from reef
Oil leak, marine life at risk
Wednesday October 5
Fishing's off at Astrolabe
Ship's reef stay could be weeks
Just the publicity Tauranga needs
Posted on 08-10-2011 10:39 | By Gee Really
Hmmmmmm. I hope firstly that the problem is solved, then accountability is sought for what is already a disaster.
Posted on 08-10-2011 12:21 | By YOGI
These things do and will happen, this is a "LITTLE EXXON VALDEZ" but should be treated as the full scale and real thing and no less. They gotta pump off that Bunker fuel. I can not see how this ship is going to survive weeks on the reef as only more damage will occur with storms. Also the weight spread on the backbone of the ship can only lead to the ship breaking up sooner or later. Need first to act to stop the oil leak and remove it from the ship, then need heavy lift choppers to lift containers off otherwise only place they are going is in to the sea and a HUGE hazard to all shipping for ages and miles ...
Posted on 08-10-2011 16:15 | By Capt_Kaveman
"need heavy lift choppers to lift containers off otherwise only place they are going is in to the sea" hey so whats the law on abandon cargo if any wash up on the beach i will claim it as mine, another pike mine = NZers are slackers when it comes to this and not emergency rescue in place is just plain dumb
Posted on 08-10-2011 16:52 | By waiknot
True is it abondoned stuff on the beach and could we have an inventory list :)
Incompetence at the top
Posted on 09-10-2011 08:49 | By Salty SeaDog
John Keys spokesman is now saying it may become possibly the worst environmental disaster in decades. Well John if you had sent down the tanker wednesday like a commander and chief would have and had ensured pumps were sent we would of being pumping oil out in these favourable conditions. You and Joyce now have this thick ghasty oil all over you
Sudden Thought
Posted on 09-10-2011 11:07 | By tabatha
The powers of the operation most probably have strong links to The Ports of A......... and want this to happen so our port is no longer a threat!!
Posted on 09-10-2011 12:58 | By rlandrclough
Suddenly, everyone is an expert - like over Pike River. ENDEAVOUR was in dry dock for maintenance, so, before she could be undocked and sent to BoP, work had to be done on her to bring her back to a state in which this could be done. For instance, how many hull fittings were removed and had to be replaced? How much equipment had to be put back in place, so that she is trimmed correctly? Were main engines ready for use? Don't expect too much of our Navy - it is trained and equipped to defend against overseas threats and patrol our EEZ. A major salvage job is something way out of its league. A full container can weigh over 25 Tonnes. Are there any helicopters capable of lifting that weight? Time for a little common sense.
Tabby's off again
Posted on 09-10-2011 16:15 | By Kin
Oh Tabby, yesterday it was the Poms fault, now it's the Jaffas. Make your mind up dear. Probably Jaffas with Pom extraction eh? Tomorrow it will be the tiddly winks. Never too early to hit the drinks cabinet eh Tabby.
Everyone's an idiot
Posted on 09-10-2011 16:29 | By pomfart
Well said "rlandrclough". 90% of comments so far on this disaster are from morons who think there is a magic button to press. They seem to think all of the necessary pumps, boats, choppers, people and the thousand other things required are somehow laying idle waiting for the call. And when the call comes all of the FACTS are there waiting for them so they can start the solution. If all of the necessary resources were ready and waiting it would cost millions in taxes and rates to maintain them. These same morons would be on here again bemoaning their tax bills. I'm sure they are all working very hard and doing what they can. If you think you can do any better stand for election or get a better job.
oil spillage
Posted on 09-10-2011 16:33 | By Rayna
Within 2 days of the Astrolabe incident a NZ firm offered a proven natural wool clean up operation and was apparently ignored. There were preventative steps that could have been taken in the early stages. There were overseas experts on hand. The weather was calm. Why were no booms put in place. The latge arrival of the supposedly only vessel capable of assisting is not an excuse Rayna
Posted on 09-10-2011 16:38 | By PREDATOR
The blogs here are obvious that is why everyone appears to be an expert in all of this. Containers floating in the sea are there on a "free for all" basis. There must be more than one ship available (other than Endeavour) to start the removal of fuel from the MV Rena.
RWC wants it of the oil !
Posted on 09-10-2011 17:22 | By ShadE
If there was a dollar in it for the IRB and or the govt, I bet ya every ml of oil would be scoped up and branded appropriately.
Endeavour was not in dry dock
Posted on 09-10-2011 18:35 | By Salty SeaDog
Hey rlandrclough and pomfart Endeavour was not in dry dock, she got out of dry dock on feb 16th. Who are you working for the Maritime NZ? why did you lie?
Who's in the Dock?
Posted on 10-10-2011 16:39 | By pomfart
Hey Salty Seadog - read my comments if you can. Never mentioned docks, dry or wet. Don't work for Maritime NZ. Spend all day on here putting idiots like right.
Who's running this show
Posted on 10-10-2011 23:18 | By crazysteed
whos is really runninng this the Pros or now that now the oil has reached the beach the loacls, well my guess is the loacls they doing the job that none of the pros want to do
Posted on 11-10-2011 14:17 | By Salty SeaDog
Hi pomfart i suggest you look at this link where i contradicted the maritime/salvage experts morning press release saying that there is now a much larger chance of a breach. I did that hours before the mayday. So i think you need to go and sort out some idiots elsewhere too. cheers
Re Morning Maritime Press release
Posted on 11-10-2011 14:35 | By Salty SeaDog
NB the lean change meant the stress vectors had all changed, which that norweigan expert had being flown into calculate, which is why i said in response that it would heighten the risk of another breach. Movement is the absolute worst occurence therefore, clearly too if she came off she may sink.
Three cheers for the locals
Posted on 11-10-2011 17:46 | By ShadE
Well said crazysteed. Told to wait until there is '''enough''' to clean up, little bit here, bigger bit there ... all helps in my book. Besides, is it not local pride showing through???
Just tell me
Posted on 11-10-2011 20:33 | By Jimmy51
Who is responsible for this mess where are they and what will happen to them because if that person has been shipped home already i think there will be hell to pay sort your s%$t out John Key get off your arse and do something instead of sitting there and doing nothing while some dickhead whispers in your ear what to say. Also is the Port of Tauranga not the biggest port in NZ??? I wouldve thought with the amount of traffic coming to P.o.T they wouldv'e brought there own spill responce equipement and people.
Posted on 13-10-2011 05:37 | By Taku
These comments are the "typical" reactions of know all kiwis .... a mining company puts lives at risk in order to save money (hey lets blame the current government or the police - they should have gone in sooner) .... an earthquake flattens Christchurch city (the current or local government must be to blame some how) .... some clown drives his ship onto rocks 20km off Tauranga (you guessed it - the current or local government should have reacted faster and must be at fault in some way)! I would have thought ensuring the safety of those doing the rescuing or recovery takes priority in the first instance, and certainly over environmental considerations? Too many experts/slash drama queens reacting emotively when cool heads are required in my opinion.
Chemical Dispersant - Gulf- Watch This
Posted on 13-10-2011 20:56 | By kiwisan
Posted on 14-10-2011 10:55 | By SuzyQ
Small issue in the big scheme of things I know, but when watching the news footage last night of the rubber neckers at Mt Maunganui & Papamoa beaches, I couldn't help being concerned about what appeared to be people standing on the dunes. Hopefully these people are being careful that they are not damaging the vegetation planted in recent years to assist stabilisation of the dunes and support fauna living in this fragile ecosystem.
Cutting Corners
Posted on 15-10-2011 14:14 | By bobsm8
Abit of local 'intel' you may or may not be interested in. According to the local islanders, it has been common knowledge for quite some time that vessels cut in the wrong side of the reef.. apparently this issue has been raised in the past at maritime meetings without acknowledgment and/or action.. hmmm once again I give you 'the council'.. nice one guys.
Armchair Critics
Posted on 23-10-2011 07:34 | By Honedaman
All of the usual armchair critics on here I see...unbelievable!
Posted on 23-10-2011 08:51 | By ronillian
"armchair critics" is exactly the phrase that Stephen Joyce keeps using to try to stop the public and journalists like Paul Holmes asking appropriate relevant questions. It is important that people, political parties like the Green Party and journalists not simply repeat the phrases (like you have) that govt trots out to silence embarrassing questions for a response which many members of the public have lingering doubts about. The hard questions need to be asked. And we won't be silenced by taunts of "armchair critics". There is considerable expertise amongst members of the public and the govt would do well to listen instead of putting us down.
Posted on 25-10-2011 11:11 | By wreck1080
Experts and governments make lots of mistakes. Just because people are rightly asking questions there is no need to abuse them. I for one, like to question. I guess that makes me an armchair critic by your standards too.
Posted on 02-11-2011 21:52 | By rlandrclough
Don't want to worry you, but the master of OYANG 77, who steamed his vessel onto the beach at Waitangi, Chatham Islands in 1992, got away with no charges being laid against him. This could well be a legal precedent for the RENA officers' defence. No doubt their counsel will make the most of NZ's previous laxity. As for containers adrift - they remain the property of shipper/insurer, but I believe that anyone who grapples and tows them to shore would be entitled to claim salvage.
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