Labour spills beans on Opotiki Harbour

John Key is expected to finally announce Government support next week for the Opotiki Harbour development, says Labour Economic Development spokesperson David Clark.

'While it is astonishing that it has taken seven years for the Government to commit to this project, this is great news for the region.

The development is expected to create 300 to 400 jobs for the region. File photo.

'Andrew Little has been calling for the Opotiki Harbour Development to proceed since he became leader.”

A $30 million government contribution will enable $200 million in aquaculture investment and would create 300 to 400 jobs. 'This creates jobs in a struggling region. It also adds $40 million to the country's economy and delivers a net return to the crown. This is no-brainer,” says David.

'This region has been severely neglected under the current Government. For seven long years incomes have dwindled.”

David says one in five people are on a benefit, up 11 per cent since 2008, while the population in the Opotiki District has fallen by three per cent.

Median household incomes are the second lowest in the country.

'The solution is so obvious, and I am glad for local people and for New Zealand that the Prime Minister has finally seen the need.”


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