
From loss to legacy: Plans to create a safer NZ

Walk Without Fear Trust, a charity born from the tragic passing of a 25-year-old mixed martial artist, has been officially launched. Liufau Vake, known as... Read More

Drone show to light up BOP sky

A drone show is set to light up the night sky this Matariki. Set to take place at the Rotorua Lakefront on June 27 and June 28 at 8pm as part of the Aronui... Read More

Lake locals furious at ‘horrendous blowout’

Lakeside homeowners are furious about a 'horrendous blowout” as they face paying up to about $88,000 per property to be connected to a sewerage scheme... Read More

Widow pleads for husband’s dream to be realised

The widow of a former Rotorua councillor is pleading with the council not to shelve her late husband's long fought-for dream of a new skatepark as it looks to... Read More

Battle against kōura-killing lake invaders

The battle against an invasive species that has decimated kōura (freshwater crayfish) populations has taken centre stage in a centennial celebration. Te... Read More

Infracore workers strike for living wage

Seventy-five workers at Rotorua's council-controlled organisation InfraCore who would normally be tending to the city's garden beds and graves were instead waving... Read More

Tyres dumped in a ‘gorgeous’ BOP stream

A Rotorua resident has spent his own time removing masses of rubbish from a local stream including a whopping 87.5 dumped tyres in only one day. Along with... Read More

School's win in bid to protect kid’s privacy

A small Rotorua school that fought plans to allow higher buildings in its neighbourhood after finding human poo, drug paraphernalia and sanitary pads on its... Read More

Fears sewerage scheme could pollute sacred lake

A Rotorua iwi board is protesting the laying of a sewerage pipeline near a sacred lake which they fear is disturbing their tūpuna (ancestors) who are buried... Read More

Crumbling teeth or having a home?

Fix crumbling teeth or keep their home? A retired couple say they are weighing up their choices in the face of a potential $48,000 council bill. Local Democracy... Read More

Big Win: controversial $62m precinct plan shelved

Rotorua's council is moving to shelve controversial plans to put sportsfields and housing on a golf course as part of a $62 million proposal, with nearly... Read More

Plans to bring Wahlburgers to Tauranga

Hollywood heavyweight Mark Wahlberg's new restaurant in Queenstown has opened and is set to boost the city's international profile. Wahlburgers is the fastest-growing... Read More