Workers at Bunnings in Mount Maunganui have walked off the job this afternoon after learning that the company is proposing a change which will remove the right to determine their start and finish times.
The strike action began at 1pm today as FIRST Union Retail and Finance Secretary Maxine Gay accused the home improvement store of instilling an 'insecure work model”.
Workers at Bunnings in Mount Maunganui protest after downing tools this afternoon. Photo: Tracy Hardy.
Protesting staff have since taken to the corner of Hewletts Road and Jean Batten Drive to voice their displeasure at the proposed changes.
'Under our current collective agreement, Bunnings can only alter start and finish times under mutual agreement with the worker,” says Maxine.
'But now the company is trying to remove mutual agreement and insert a clause that will allow management to chop and change those times at will.
'While most companies are scrambling to remove this sort of insecure work model, Bunnings is taking off in the other direction.
'This means that a worker might be guaranteed 40 hours per fortnight, but then find that start and finish times chop and change. One week it might be Monday to Thursday and the next week it could be Thursday to Sunday.
'This is the sort of work model that the country has rejected, but Bunnings is trying to introduce it by stealth. Workers need certainty.
'Bunnings workers will resist any effort to impose insecure hours. More strikes are sure to follow.”
SunLive understands that the Mount Maunganui branch of Bunnings is the only one in the country to call strike action so far.
The Mount Maunganui store. Photo: Google Maps.
Posted on 03-09-2015 13:23 | By BlueBoy
he best way to stop this sort of rubbish is for the New Zealand people to show those Aussies that we will refuse to shop there and shop at Mitre10 Mega. Starting with me being one of the first.
Stand up....
Posted on 03-09-2015 13:29 | By yikes61
to greedy corporations! Congratulations to the staff for voicing their opinion. A happy hardworking workforce will applease the shareholders, not senior mgt bullying tchniques!
Posted on 03-09-2015 13:30 | By How about this view!
I get the impression that there are a great many pension top-up employees at Bunnings and it surprises me that they would be willing to rock the boat, as is the case in other industries with poor working conditions and pay scales. The fear of losing the extra pension money because the wage rates go up and attract younger family men/women, keeps wages low in SOME industries, as there are always older workers looking for work and willing to take poor wages and conditions.
You get what you vote for.
Posted on 03-09-2015 13:30 | By rogue
Yay National ! When will people realise if you vote for Capitalist ( the Nats ) then can only expect workers rights to get the shunt. Stay strong Bunnings staff, strength in Unity.
Union power.
Posted on 03-09-2015 13:52 | By dgk
Good on FIRST Union. Tell these profit driven aussies to respect staff.
stay out
Posted on 03-09-2015 16:56 | By kiwiolchap
Ship in new staff!!
Posted on 03-09-2015 18:00 | By GreertonCynic
Bang On!
@ blueboy
Posted on 03-09-2015 18:26 | By The Vicar
stop shopping at bunnings like we did with countdown a year os so ago? kiwis have short memories. even you would still shop there if they have what you want for the cheapest price.
Posted on 03-09-2015 20:16 | By Cooper
I will not shop at Bunning,s. I will go to Mitre 16 at Papamoa. That is just not on. Employee,s should know the hrs they work. Everyone has a family they have to think about. That would be so stressful.
Its quite simple
Posted on 04-09-2015 03:14 | By Kenworthlogger
Why should the worker telll the boss what to do. Its their company. The worker has the CHOICE of working their or not. If they want to control when they start and finish then start your own company!
Posted on 04-09-2015 18:59 | By overit
Kenworthlogger you said that about the freezing workers at Affco. Wake up, its not that simple. Bosses are eroding peoples working conditions continuously and we must fight this. National started this drive into a third world scenario ie.anti-unionism, minimum wage, changes to breaks, zero hour contracts. I am all for protecting workers rights. I do not agree with the rationale that someone else will do the work, because where will it end?
Just talk
Posted on 04-09-2015 21:18 | By hooplah
whatever happened to mutual respect? Have a conversation and work it out so everyone wins?
Posted on 05-09-2015 15:45 | By Kenworthlogger
It is that simple. I have done it. I have changed jobs and careers many time. I dont whinge. I do something about it. Remember if it was not for places like afco or bunnings these people would be moaning they had no job.
Posted on 05-09-2015 17:58 | By overit
Kenworthlogger, people cant keep running from this sort of thing otherwise conditions at other places will erode.They are doing the right thing with solidarity. It helps protect all of us. Unions etc have done a lot to improve the workplace conditions in NZ, we must not allow the rot to take hold.
Us and them...
Posted on 06-09-2015 11:56 | By morepork no basis for a working relationship. Enlightened companies know that. Lumley Insurance is also owned by the same group that owns Bunnings and they have one of the best corporate cultures I have ever seen. Happy work force and happy management. It doesn't require a hostile divide; it requires communication, goodwill, and common sense on both sides and it IS achievable. Kenworthlogger makes a very good point that Bunnings is providing a job and all of us do have a choice. Progress in the 21st century is not achieved by demands, egos and strikes; it is achieved by sitting round a table and working out a reasonable compromise, without guns being held to heads on either side. The good of the company serves the good of the people who work there.
Posted on 08-09-2015 04:24 | By Kenworthlogger
Maybe they should get their heavy vehicle class 5 licenses as we can never get enough drivers.
Posted on 09-09-2015 21:04 | By TGAborn&bred
If a company is only as good as its employees, what type of job hunter is going to be drawn to Bunnings after this? 3 things will plummet if these changes take affect: morale, productivity, market share. Bunnings are a huge chain, they won't shoot themselves in the feet - employees have rights and a voice, good on them.
Tauranga port
Posted on 10-09-2015 11:58 | By Kenworthlogger
The port did this years ago and now port workers get paid a lot more!!!
Posted on 11-09-2015 22:03 | By Silent Lambs
I dont think you understand the problem, the bigger picture. The current labour laws are s one sided that a fair comparison would be that Bin Ladin would be the leadrer of the entire free democratic world. Your comments have about as much substances as the average Waitangi Tibunal claimant. Get the picture?
Get new staff!
Posted on 13-09-2015 12:14 | By simple.really
Was there yesterday, the staff were so unhelpful and disinterested. They need to Mega Mitre 10 and experience what customer service is all about. Plenty of people out there who want work....
40 hrs a fortnight,
Posted on 14-09-2015 10:41 | By robin bell
There in lies the problem.No-one can live on 20hrs a week, so need to work two or more jobs.How is that possible with no reliable start-finish times? It's all just another example of eroding workers rights. Moreporks idealism is admirable but,when profit motive clashes with practicality it becomes an us and them situation.We don't have the companies response, Why? Remember jobs of the 40hrs a week variety are becoming rare particularly for unskilled people.Moreporks compromise is needed now more than ever. Good luck on that score.Robin Bell.
Posted on 17-09-2015 14:22 | By Kenworthlogger
Plenty of students around that want part time work. Should be no problem filling the shifts.
Posted on 19-09-2015 06:52 | By Blessed
Can only wrk around class. bunnings is open in the same times... this cant b a good image tho, people just want decent hours. in saying that, every has to aim higher. maybe a rotating roster with set strt and finish times will benefit all eg. 4 on 2 off
Posted on 19-09-2015 08:50 | By Kenworthlogger
Operate the same way blessed. And you still shop in them.
Posted on 24-09-2015 12:58 | By Anton
Good on you staff of Bunnings,Bunnings have to understand that staff are not alarm clocks that you can set them to any time you want to.
Posted on 25-09-2015 17:23 | By subieagle
The staff in Aussie Bunnings are great helpful and imformative,went to The mount while on holiday so different couldn't care a less
Posted on 26-09-2015 08:03 | By Kenworthlogger
The staff are there purly to serve the company labor. Not the other way around.
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