New building works are beginning to take shape at the Windermere Campus at Bay of Plenty Polytechnic.
The campus is currently undergoing a development plan to replace all relocatable buildings with more permanent structures.
Current frameworks of one of the new Bay of Plenty Polytechnic buildings on Windermere campus.
Director of corporate services Anthony Robertson, says it's a teaching and learning building.
'You'll have ‘classroom and work spaces' but also large laneways for informal learning. Learning now isn't just in the classroom.
'Much of the space is large, open and flexible and not necessarily dedicated to any particular curricular activity.”
Despite this, the ground floor of one building will be dedicated to creative arts with art studios, digital media rooms and other creative spaces.
The costing for the construction is around $10 million and is situated in the heart of Windermere campus.
The work began in October last year and is due for completion in early November.
'We'll do some teaching practice in it at the end of this year but it will be open for activity in February 2017.”
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