Pole down in Waihi Road crash

A pole is reported to be across the road following a two car crash on Waihi Road this afternoon.

Police have been called to the intersection of Waihi and Cambridge roads where two vehicles are reported to have collided.

A light pole is down after crash on Waihi Road this afternoon.

It's unclear if anyone is injured, but the crash is reported to be blocking the road.

Motorists are asked to avoid the area if possible, or be patient while driving around the scene.

This is the second crash to happen in Tauranga this afternoon after two vans crashed at the Chapel Street intersection just before 2pm.

At the scene?

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Posted on 01-09-2016 15:31 | By dumbkof2

judges are too soft on these poles that keep jumping out at unsuspecting motorists


Posted on 01-09-2016 19:23 | By dave4u

The sooner fine a pole or lamppost happens the better.

pole costs

Posted on 02-09-2016 04:53 | By rosscoo

thought if someone knocks down a pole they or on there insurance have to cover cost of replacement. ??


Posted on 02-09-2016 13:10 | By Rate1

Council is supposed to be upgrading this intersection to lights! TCC spending all their time & efforts on their Civic building, never mind the streets under their care which are falling apart.

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