Whakatane police dog wins

The NZ Police Dog team, from left: Senior Constable Phillip Taylor, Inspector Todd Southall, Senior Constable Owen Davies and Quid, Senior Constable Dave Robison and Isaac, Senior Constable Chris Best, and Sergeant Steve Pike.

Senior Constables Dave Robison and Isaac from Whakatane won the individual patrol dog category at the Australasian police trials in Melbourne, with Senior Constable Owen Davies and Quid from Auckland as runners up.

New Zealand Police dog handlers retain the Australasian police trials trophy after six days of intense competition.

Dave and Isaac also took out the top tracking award while Owen and Quid won the top searching award.

Together their results meat that New Zealand Police retains the team trophy.

Senior Constable Phillip (Tiny) Taylor and Murphy also put in a strong performance against tough opposition in the narcotic detector dog trophy.

Some of the officers will return to New Zealand later today, but the three dogs will have another few days in Melbourne for standard vet checks before they fly home and return to operational duties.


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