Chemical spill in Paengaroa

A small amount of copper based spray spilled on State Highway 33 at Paengaroa today when a sprayer being towed by a tractor tipped over.

Te Puke police say there were no injuries and the road was not blocked.

A Bay of Plenty Regional Council staff member who attended says it was a small spill of a copper-based spray chemical.

It had tipped out of spray equipment carried on the trailer of a mini tractor when it went around a bend.

The container wasn't full so it slopped over.

Fire brigade and regional council staff were quickly on the job and blocked off the drains. Most of the spill went onto the road itself and evaporated quickly.

As it was a highly diluted copper-based product the regional council pollution prevention staff say the environment wouldn't come to much harm anyway.

All precautions were taken and nothing escaped into any waterways.


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