Southern pipeline contract awarded

The last contract on the $99 million southern pipeline has been awarded.

Brian Perry Civil, the local arm of Fletcher Construction, has the contract to construct an under harbour pipeline across Tauranga Harbour from Memorial Park to Matapihi.

The contract is the last major work for the $99M Southern Pipeline project.

The work under the contract provides a pipeline link under the harbour from the Memorial Park Pump Station across to the pipeline section that has been constructed at Matapihi.

The under harbour pipe will be drilled from both ends to a maximum depth of around 40m.

Construction is planned to start in March 2017 and will be completed by December 2017.

Brian Perry Civil will take the next few months to mobilise specialist equipment and materials required for the project.

Tender applications for a trenchless harbour crossing of the Memorial Park to Matapihi stage of the Southern Pipeline were first released in 2014 – two years after the city council was forced to look at other options for the harbor crossing section of the 14.5km pipeline when Kiwirail rejected a proposal to hitchhike the pipeline across the railway bridge.


Kiwirail get out of the Strand!

Posted on 20-12-2016 11:03 | By TheCameltoeKid

These people have just ruined our waterfront. They need to find another alternative to their horrid rail track on the Strand. It is nothing but visual and noise pollution. It's only there to service the Port. Kiwirail and Port of Tauranga need to co-invest in another route to the Mount wharves and get out of the Strand. The Port has gotten too big and needs to invest elsewhere so they can get rid of the ugly container mountains that litter the landscape at Sulphur Point and the Mount! Then the Matapihi railbridge can become a walking/cycleway and the pipe can be attached to the bridge. What's the bet Port CEO Mark Cairns will read this and have a little chuckle to himself while thinking "not in my lifetime."

Oh De-ah

Posted on 20-12-2016 13:07 | By rastus

What a jaundiced view from the cameltoekid - Obviously he/she has no idea of the contributions to the well being of our city that both the railway and port have contributed over the years and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future - I have no complaint about his objection to the huge stockpiles of old containers growing day by day - one wonders how they get past the RMA

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