Triple rainbow. Photo: Peter Sanders. Send us your photos from around the Bay of Plenty. email:
1 comment
Not a triple rainbow; A double and a twin
Posted on 06-04-2017 08:23 | By Darren
Technically this isn't a triple rainbow but a double rainbow and a rare twinned rainbow. The Primary rainbow is brightest and has red at the top. A double rainbow is often visible when the primary is bright enough. It is parallel to the primary but it is reversed with red at the bottom. Less common is the twinned rainbow caused by two sizes of rain drops. It has red at the top and comes from the same starting point as the primary. Congratulations Peter Sanders for a great photo.
1 comment
Not a triple rainbow; A double and a twin
Posted on 06-04-2017 08:23 | By Darren
Technically this isn't a triple rainbow but a double rainbow and a rare twinned rainbow. The Primary rainbow is brightest and has red at the top. A double rainbow is often visible when the primary is bright enough. It is parallel to the primary but it is reversed with red at the bottom. Less common is the twinned rainbow caused by two sizes of rain drops. It has red at the top and comes from the same starting point as the primary. Congratulations Peter Sanders for a great photo.
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