Steamers drop the ball

In spite of the Bay of Plenty Steamers leading Auckland by 13-10 at half time, the Bay side tasted defeat at Eden Park with the home side triumphing.

Auckland led 10-3 with the clock ticking down in the first spell, before Luke Braid finished off a Steamers forward attack crossing for the touchdown. A second Chris Noakes penalty goal resulted in the Steamers taking a three-point advantage into the break.

Colin Burke scored the half-time try.

The two teams traded a penalty apiece early in the second spell, before Auckland crossed for their second try. There was a certain amount of controversy about the third Auckland try, with Steamers skipper Colin Bourke claiming that the home side knocked the ball forward before he handled the ball.

While the Bay were hot on attack as the siren blew for full time, Auckland prevailed to take out a 25-16 victory.

There will be little time to think about the loss at the venue where the Rugby World Cup final will be played in a few weeks time – with the Steamers meeting Canterbury in front of their home fans at Baypark Mount Maunganui on Tuesday, August 23.

Result 20 August 2011

Auckland 25 (H Parkes, S Luatua, D Thomas tries; G Anscombe 2 pen 2 con) BOP Steamers 16 (Luke Braid try; Chris Noakes 3 pen con)


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