Dead Cow found on Papamoa Beach

Dead cow found on Papamoa Beach

A man walking along the Papamoa beach this morning came across a dead cow.

Phil Clarke found the cow while on a beach walk with his dog before dawn. He phoned Tauranga City Council to report it.

'I was walking along the Papamoa beach with my dog about five o'clock in the morning,” says Phil. 'We go down there about three or four times a week.

'We came across the cow lying in the sand, near Motiti Reserve.

'I rang the Council and went back down there about an hour later and they were already there removing it from the beach, about six or six-thirty.

'The cow didn't look like it had been dead a long time."

The ownership of the cow can be traced through the yellow tag worn in one ear of the cow.



Posted on 03-06-2017 20:12 | By maildrop

Went for a swim in the 100% pure rivers of this paradise. Cowzone.

Did he take a note of the EAR tag number

Posted on 03-06-2017 21:46 | By The Caveman

Assuming that it had one - that would ID where the cow came from - NOT that the famer could be blamed for anything.

Cows have accidents.

Posted on 04-06-2017 16:45 | By Bazza 78

Get over it,cows fall over banks into rivers sometimes and float down stream.Farmers are unable to watch their herd 24 7. If the animal ID can trace the owner, just bill him for disposal. This anti farming hysteria is getting out of hand.Get a grip people.

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