Papamoa to get 240 new houses

A Nga Potiki housing initiative will result in 240 new homes for Papamoa. Supplied photo.

A new 20 hectare development off Ashley Place is set to add another 240 houses to Papamoa.

Papamoa's newest subdivision, Manawa – The Heart of Papamoa is owned by Nga Potiki a Tamapahore Trust, whose property experience includes Pacific Coast Retirement Village on Papamoa Beach Road, as well as several small community housing developments.

The launch event was held on Friday at Henry and Ted café, and included an address by Minister for Maori Development Te Ururoa Flavell. Also in attendance were Councillor Max Mason, Tauranga City Council CEO Garry Poole, and representatives from local iwi.

Manawa project manager Peter Cross leads the team, which includes Stratum Consulting, Boffa Miskell, PSL Advisory and others, who are well known in the Tauranga property development industry.

'We are fortunate to have a team of very experienced and highly regarded professionals in this industry who are excited to create something a little bit special.”

The overall design reflects Nga Potiki values around kaitiakitanga and sustainability – from the natural eco system that will be used to filter storm water, to the favouring of native plants over exotics. The use of green space will be maximised with walkways throughout the subdivision, common greens and a large reserve ensuring the walk to the beach provides protective shading from the Papamoa summer sun.

'The whole development is designed to encourage interactions with each other. A modern take on the neighbourhoods we grew up in where kids played happily in the street,” says Peter.

"Manawa is determined to be a subdivision that we all can be proud of for generations to come. Our strict design guidelines ensure the houses are all built to the highest quality and adhere to the vision for the subdivision.

'Our partner builders, Mike Greer Homes, GJ Gardner Homes, Generation Homes and Signature Homes have been working together to create something really special.”

Future stage plans include a commercial area and more park and greenspace. A retirement village is also being considered. Public artworks within the subdivision are also planned.

The Ministry of Education has announced a new primary school will also be built in the vicinity in 2019.

House and Land Packages are now available. People who are registered members of Nga Potiki a Tamapahore may qualify for a subsidy on their section purchase. The amount of the subsidy will be based on a percentage of the land package value.

Nga Potiki follows other Maori corporations making investment in property. Tainui and Ngai Tahu are just two who have experienced significant success.

The Maori asset base is now worth upwards of $43 billion. About 30 per cent of this asset base is held by Maori collectives, with the rest held by Maori employers and self-employed (largely in small and medium enterprises or SMEs).

Guests at Friday night's launch event. Seated in front are local kaumatua and other elders. Photo: Te Ururoa Flavell MP/Facebook.


New housing

Posted on 10-07-2017 08:55 | By surfsup

Would have thought they would have been concentrating on providing low cost housing for the Maori families struggling with poor housing etc.


Posted on 10-07-2017 09:40 | By Number eight

They already have.If you are on your way out to Te puke or even Papamoa go past sandhurst dr overpass,cast your eyes to the right hand side and those New homes you will see,are for Maori families(have to be registered as members of Nga Potiki A Tamapahore)at the moment they are just rentals,with very minimal rent,there are plans in the future to add more and these will be rent to own

Squeeze em in

Posted on 10-07-2017 09:46 | By Chris

Get them in there nice and tight, on the minimum legal section sizes. It's the Papamoa way - you're not getting the full experience if your eves aren't touching your neighbours' eves.

You're right Chris

Posted on 10-07-2017 11:46 | By Border Patrol

The houses seem to be allowed to be built really close to each other in the new subdivisions in Papamoa. It's really obvious with the new houses recently built on Sandhurst Drive where they are really crammed on. I also wonder at the additional traffic that another 240 homes will create- if you allow even for one vehicle per household (and that's most likely an understatement), thats another 240 vehicles using the roads in that area, then add to that mix another school and retirement village. Hopefully by then the public transport will be reliable enough that traffic volumes don't increase along with these developments.

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