Bay of Plenty Regional Council is currently investigating the source of an oil spill spotted in the Tauranga Harbour earlier today.
BOPRC regulatory compliance manager Alex Miller says the spill was discovered this morning.
'Our Regulatory Compliance team was notified of an oil sheen on the water near Cross Road on Sulphur Point.
'A visual inspection of the shoreline by our Maritime and Regulatory Compliance staff, as well as representatives from Tauranga City Council, confirmed these reports.
'In addition to a light oil sheen on the water, an oily residue could be seen along the high tide mark of the new tidal steps on Dive Crescent, and several locations around the Marine Precinct on the eastern side of Sulphur Point.
'Our Regulatory Compliance Team are currently investigating the source of this spill.”
A clean up has now commenced and staff have cordoned off the tidal steps, in order to minimise any risks to members of the public, he says.
'As part of the response, staff have put booms in the water at locations around the tidal steps and the marine precinct to try and stop the oil spreading further, and commenced a clean-up of any oily residue.
'We are not expecting large quantities of oil at this stage but we will continue to monitor the situation with the incoming tide, and respond accordingly.”
Any members of the public who observe discharges of oil, or further deposits of oily residue, are urged to contact the Regional Council's Pollution Prevention Hotline on 0800 884 883.
1 comment
Posted on 28-11-2017 22:06 | By MISS ADVENTURE
RBOP consenting to the concrete beach below the strand and TCC spending millions for no apparent reason has had a slight use, collection of waste oil, I am sure that was not part of the niffty plans to date?
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