The aftermath of the storm

The high sea went right up to the sand dunes. Photo: Rosalie Liddle Crawford. Video: Marcy Moo.

Although there might not be severe slippages and flooding after the storm, many Tauranga beaches are looking a bit bare of sand.

Quite a lot of the 500 cubic metres of sand that Tauranga City Council replenished on Pilot Bay beach before Christmas seems to have shifted along towards the boat ramp end and then moved off the beach by the gusting strong winds.

'Sand has also been swept off Mount Main beach across Marine Parade and down Commons Ave to Maunganui Road into driveways and up to doors,” says a Tauranga resident.

'Many of my neighbors have never seen this much of a mess after a storm.”

This morning a city council contractor was spotted digging small squares at the Pilot Bay boatramp at 6.15am to see how much sand was on it.

'I think it was 500 tonnes of sand put down before Christmas. Nature does what nature does and the sand has moved along the beach and now moving off the beach.”

The contractor says it's not too bad on the ramp, with most of the sand near the bottom of the ramp.

'It's probably caused more from the recent king tides than the storm last night and that the ramp is firm enough for boats and trailers.”


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