Turret Rd cliff erosion under control

Fencing at Turret Rd. Photos: Rosalie Liddle Crawford.

Ongoing cliff erosion near Turret Road is believed pose a minimal risk to motorists, according to latest observations by Tauranga City Council.

The erosion is currently affecting a bank near Turret Road, about 50m from SH2a.

TCC transportation manager Martin Parkes says the affected area is known to council and has worsened after recent storms.

'The bank in Turret Road Reserve has been undermined over time, and the storm and king tide on January 5 worsened this damage.”

Latest risk mitigation has seen council establish fencing in the area which is regularly monitored by staff, says Martin.

'We were concerned people could do more damage by parking their cars on vulnerable parts of the bank, so we've constructed some fencing to prevent that from happening.

'Staff visit the site about once a month, and we receive an inspection report annually.”

He says the current risk is minimal.

'We'll be completing some work as part of our seawall programme which will strengthen the existing bank and prevent further erosion.

'This work is scheduled for next financial year. In the meantime, the fencing we've installed will prevent people from accelerating the erosion process by parking their cars on the more vulnerable parts of the reserve.”

Martin says council understands the risk the issue could pose to the city transport network if it were to escalate.

'If we weren't already working on a solution, the erosion could cause significant disruption to the transport network; however, it would take many, many years for the erosion to have an impact on the road.

'Prevention is always better than a cure, so we are going to engineer a solution to protect the bank.”


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