Rena’s oil slick claims 1000 lives

Oil leaking from the container ship, Rena, stranded on the Astrolabe Reef is responsible for the deaths of about 1000 birds since it ran aground 10 days ago.

Wildlife Response Centre manager Kerri Morgan says at the start of today there were 901 bird carcases at the Te Maunga facility and by now she estimates there to be about 1000.

A bird found dead on Mount Maunganui Beach this week.

The birds have died as a result of ingesting the oil or being trapped in it on the water.

There are 20-30 species of birds among the dead with the majority of them sea-based.

The Wildlife Response Centre also has about 100 live birds, including some penguins, workers there are treating for oiling.

The dead birds are being labelled with the time, date and location of their discovery.

Some are being examined by a pathologist to check that the cause of death is oil related.

Kerri says a main concern for the wildlife response team is the protection of the New Zealand dotterel species.

There are only about 1700 in the world and about 100 of these are estimated to be in the Bay of Plenty sub-region impacted by the oil slick.

The team is undertaking pre-emptive capture of these birds and has called in experts to help in this programme.

'We are getting them out of the wild and away from the oil.”

The team has captured 23 so far and is aiming to capture 60, with them all housed in individual aviaries, which are pest-proofed and supervised by a husbandry specialist.

'We are being proactive and are hoping to prevent these birds being oiled.”

Maritime New Zealand national on scene commander Nick Quinn says counselling services are being established for the Wildlife Response Centre workers.



Posted on 14-10-2011 17:51 | By Risky 24/7

I find it ironic that the sun live home page has an ad for Simon Bridges stating " a strong voice for the community" when all I,ve seen of him during the Rena disaster is him standing behind John Key nodding


Posted on 14-10-2011 17:51 | By Risky 24/7

I find it ironic that the sun live home page has an ad for Simon Bridges stating " a strong voice for the community" when all I,ve seen of him during the Rena disaster is him standing behind John Key nodding

mr bridges

Posted on 15-10-2011 02:52 | By blocker

totaly agree with you .find it strange to he aint talking he a puppet .sunlive keep up the good work team ..

Skull n Bones

Posted on 15-10-2011 08:05 | By bobsm8

Yep .. you know I stopped myself from voicing my thoughts to family in regards to a terrorism attack in aotearoa and what an opportunistic time too strike when the eyes of the world are on us in regards to the 'RWC'. What an easy target we actually would be!! Who would have thought of a container vessel with all the up to date electronic navigation equipment that is required to operate in international waters purposefully altering it's due course to run aground on a clearly charted reef... And with the political stall tactics that ensued post grounding would start to add up about now.. Them Skull n Bones are at work I feel .. Rainbow Warrior to give example, do not be complacent kiwis that this could and would happen .. I think you should look outside the triangle and make your own mind up .. it's bound to be gagged so look under those rocks.


Posted on 15-10-2011 16:44 | By traceybjammet

i think that NZ often forgets it is part of a great big world and we are not immune from anything bad just because we are NZ also I think being too paranoid is a weird American thing, common-sense should prevail and remember the media is presented by those who have thier own opinions and editing etc can make a story very bias one way or another.

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