Rena: Cargo operator gives $1million

The cargo operator of Rena is pledging $1million towards the response effort and clean up from the wreck.

Mediterranean Shipping Company Australia and New Zealand general manager Kevin Clarke says MSC is making a $1million 'voluntary donation” to help with the clean up operation.

The cargo operator that chartered Rena is giving $1million towards the clean up operation.

Rena has been grounded on Astrolabe Reef since Wednesday, October 5 spewing more than 350 tonnes of oil into the sea. The estimated cost of clean up has reached $4million.

MSC does not own Rena and is not responsible for the ship's crew, or the maintenance or operation of the ship.

'Liability rests with the owners and their insurers.

'This is a voluntary donation,” says Kevin.

Rena is owned by Greek shipping company Costamare.

Kevin says the donation is not an act of guilt but a 'kind offering”.

'We hope the money will find its way quickly to the people of the Bay of Plenty.”

MSC has operated an office out of Tauranga for the last 15 years and Kevin says company staff are part of the Tauranga community.

'We feel for the people of the Bay of Plenty and understand they are under significant pressure.”

'We are deeply concerned about the environmental damage and environmental impact and the disruption to lives.”

Kevin met with Transport Minister Steven Joyce on Monday to discuss ways in which MSC could contribute to the Rena response operation.

MSC New Zealand general manager Phil Abraham says as soon as he heard about the grounding of Rena he has been working with Maritime NZ and other authorities to provide all assistance possible.

'I have spent 30 years in this industry and the grounding of Rena is a worst nightmare. It is really devastating.”

The money will be transferred to the New Zealand Government for allocation.


Thanks Kevin

Posted on 18-10-2011 17:24 | By jimmi

The region is going to need all the help it can get, so many thanks

great MSC

Posted on 18-10-2011 17:44 | By Capt_Kaveman

but again its upto the ship owners and or insurers to foot the bill and or the cleanup,I Costamare should cough up about 4M and let the insurers with the rest, but i must say NZ is very slow and have a ITs TO DANGEROUS ATTITUDE which really does not help resole the main problem the enviroment faces

All I ask though

Posted on 18-10-2011 17:50 | By jimmi

Is it goes to Clean Up Costs, not bueracrats pockets, ooops to late.


Posted on 18-10-2011 19:02 | By Murray.Guy

Absolutely awesome and grateful thanks to the Mediterranean Shipping Company. I distance myself totally from any ungracious responses, made likely in part to divert attention from their own failings. Please make sure that the contribution actually assists efforts on the ground, and don't end up in a consultants bank account, the lab of a scientist!

Pay the volunteers...

Posted on 18-10-2011 20:54 | By dgk

I'd love to see this donation from MSC go to all the volunteers down on the beach who are saving the government from doing anything. About time for the media to hound Costamere for some serious money as part of their real liabilities.


Posted on 19-10-2011 05:57 | By jimmi

wake up, did you read the article or not!!! MSC are not liable and donation is an act of good faith, so at least be a little positive and gracious, and please do not blame this goverment, as the truth be known, most of the in activity has been caused by brainwashed "nanny state" individuals employed under the Helen Clarke regime, and as soon as the country is rid of them all the better.

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