11:37:48 Friday 28 March 2025

Nude bathing and 'meerkats'

Councillor Steve Morris is raising concerns about 'meercats' on Papamoa Beach.

Nudity on the beach at Papamoa is going to be a discussion item in draft beaches bylaw after councillor Steve Morris says people at Papamoa are concerned about 'meercats”.

'Meercats for the clarification and assistance of my colleagues; those are gentlemen who pop up in the sand dunes like meercats, soliciting each other's interest,” says Steve.

Back in the day it was well-known there was a section of Papamoa Beach which people used to strip off, says Steve. That land which was bordered by farm land, is now bordered by houses.

'Now there's more people around. I do get the impression from residents they are less worried about the nude bathers, and worried about the meercats on that section of beach. That's the behaviour which I think people find more offensive.

'Because we are going out for consultation and I personally receive complaints from people who like to go down the beach without being confronted by wobbly bits. I would be quite happy if we added a provision that beach users must be appropriately dressed.”

Meercats is a termed used for gentlemen who pop-up in the sand dunes, soliciting each other's interests, says Steve Morris. Photo: Sharp Photography/Wikipedia.

Committee member Pine McLeod says he's one of the owners of the land used by the meercats and their lewd behaviour has been troubling the trustees.

'If you see umbrellas going up, meercats are there,” says Pine.

It sparked a discussion about what appropriate attire is on the beach and if requiring it would result in bylaws officers trying to enforce a dress code that could not be defined.

'That can mean anything. It's a wide field to me. How would you govern that,” says councillor Bill Grainger.

Larry Baldockk says if there is nothing in the draft bylaw about beach nudity, then it's less likely people will comment about it in the public consultation process.



Posted on 09-05-2018 07:39 | By waiknot

Ive learnt a now term hehe

If the cap fits, waiknot,

Posted on 09-05-2018 08:39 | By R. Bell

could apply to a few meercats and their one liners on here don't you think? Robin Bell.

Oh Robin

Posted on 09-05-2018 10:39 | By waiknot

Context Robin.


Posted on 09-05-2018 12:49 | By stephennel

Why insult the poor meerkats? They are such lovely little animals.


Posted on 09-05-2018 12:53 | By bayer

Nothing wrong with nude bathing in the right place ( I.E where few people are likely to be offended). unfortunately for them Papamoa beach is no longer appropriate due to the recent housing developments in the area. Remember when years ago it was an isolated stretch of beach now it has become quite busy with families and elderly. I suggest the nudies look for a more isolated spot, maybe Papamoa East toward the Kaituna river.


Posted on 09-05-2018 14:21 | By morepork

Don't mention it and it will go away. Is this the SAME Baldock who tries to spin Referendum results he doesn't like? Naturists SHOULD have a place they can go to and they shouldn't need to be "meercatted" or give offence to others. There's enough beach to offer a clearly designated area for nude bathing. Nobody needs to be offended by it and "peeping toms" should take their sad hobbies somewhere else.

Context ? waiknot.

Posted on 09-05-2018 15:25 | By R. Bell

Oh! o.k. then. " Old men who pop up and bare all " Get it ? Probably not. Robin Bell.

Wobbly bits???? Seriously????

Posted on 09-05-2018 15:37 | By Bruja

Oh dear, we really are very 'prudish' still aren't we when it comes to talking about genitals.Personally, I think people just either sun-bathing or strolling about is not offensive but I feel that the 'meerkats', I presume that means homosexual men?..... need to find a non-public place if they want to play sex games of various kinds. Oh and are there no female 'meerkats'?....I wonder where they meet for 'jolly times'. The 'local lads' might like to ask them? Seriously? Just being nude but not being lewd probably needs to be accepted by people in general. Prudishness is merely a hangover from (I guess) Victorian times in jolly old England and we over here in the enlightened Colonies need to 'grow up' a bit around nudity itself I think.


Posted on 09-05-2018 15:47 | By dumbkof2

robin. speak for yourself

just do it

Posted on 09-05-2018 18:25 | By sambro

the faux beggers on the street are more offensive to me

Robin Bell

Posted on 09-05-2018 21:31 | By waiknot

You have just explained why I do not use my real name as your comments/suggestion would be concidered defamatory. To put it simply I called out Robin Bell for presenting opinions as facts and he now resorts to disgusting personal attacks. Sadly for you Robin your attack reflects poorly on you, not me.

In this case waiknot,

Posted on 10-05-2018 15:36 | By R. Bell

dummkopf is closer to the truth than you. Most on here are old men who "bare all" regularly.As for calling me out. RUBBISH. Cheer up man Robin Bell.

Waiknot, you don't understand

Posted on 10-05-2018 17:27 | By R. Bell

self deprecating humour. The context of this article contains a humorous reference to old men, Meerkats.My comment extrapolated that in a mildly humorous way. I am an old man myself and I wear that cap proudly. Whilst I wouldn't deliberately expose people to the vision of ecstacy I present in my nakedness, if others choose to, so be it. If you saw my comment as a non contextual, personal attack then I suggest you " lighten up" a little. As for defamatory you have got to be joking.In that case there is hope for you yet. Robin Bell.

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