Rena rupture can’t ruin holidays

Negativity in the media about Tauranga's holiday climes owing to the Rena oil spill have spurred Mayor Stuart Crosby to assure people the area is still a top summer spot.

The Rena ran aground on Astrolabe Reef on October 5 and since then oil, containers and debris have washed ashore, damaging the environment and closing beaches.

Clean-up crews are continuing to remove oil globules off the beach after the major initial clean-up.

Stuart says he would like to assure people the Rena situation isn't as bad as portrayed in some media reports.

He says people who have booked a Bay of Plenty holiday for the summer should follow through with it.
'Salvors have removed all but 358 tonnes of oil from the vessel now,” says Stuart.

'To put that in perspective, when the initial 370 tonnes spill happened last month, our passionate, committed and motivated community had it cleaned up within a few days.

'The salvage operations may be ongoing for some time, but that doesn't mean our beaches are going to be affected for all that time.

'And if another spill happens, then we'll all be out there cleaning our beaches until they are returned to their beautiful best, ready for the summer season.”
He says the community is 100 per cent committed to restoring the beaches as quickly as humanly possible.
'This is the first time anywhere in the world that volunteers have been used to assist with the clean-up of an oil spill and it appears to be working remarkably well.”

Booms, cranes and skimmers are in place to assist with the oil clean-up along with an army of volunteers.
Stuart is confident the city's beaches will be open again for summer.

'Almost all Bay of Plenty activities and attractions are operating as normal – so come enjoy the Bay of Plenty.”


Yeah Right

Posted on 08-11-2011 11:39 | By beached

Great Tui Add Crosby, how about you take a walk down Papamoa Beach and have a swim while your there... Full respect to those who have helped clean up so far! But with every turning tide, the toxic globules re-surface. Lets see what happens when cyclone season arrives in a few months, we get a good one around xmas/new years, just in time for punters to watch a Rena get annihilated!!!

Yeag right

Posted on 08-11-2011 12:58 | By marama

I agree with you By beached. I would not let my grandchildren on the beach or swim in the water. If Crosby wants the crowds appeal to the environmentally conscious ones, I am sure they would be willing to help with the ongoing cleaning even at Xmas.

Fools !

Posted on 08-11-2011 16:06 | By mc

I have been on the beach nearly every day in the past 2 weeks or more, and I can tell you that they have never been so clean, you could eat your lunch of it ! What are you people trying to do, bring the city to a grinding halt ! Let me tell you that most seaside resorts around the world that are in close proximity to shipping lanes, have small amounts of oil washed up on them from time to time.... it's not a big deal. Get on with it and get out there and help with the clean up instead of bringing the town down !


Posted on 08-11-2011 16:21 | By tonyb1

I agree go Mr Crosby I am sure you will be seen on the beach this Xmas Wear some white speedo's and see how clean the water is, mind you you need to go deeper than knee hight


Posted on 08-11-2011 18:17 | By SCARLET PIMPINEL

Crosby is doing is best I am sure, but one day reality will catch up with him and it will be a bolt from the blue for him when it does. @ BEACHED, right on mate, @ MC, please change hand mate and have a look under the other the other one, the oil blobs are all over the place and heaps are buried under the sand that have not yet been remmoved. The residue will affect everything for ages, the oil like out on Motiti and elsewhere is affect these places, the marine environment and will do for ages as it can not "all" be removed, but mother nature will and by so doing the food chain will be infiltrated.


Posted on 08-11-2011 19:00 | By SCARLET PIMPINEL

There is nowhere to swim mate, Mayor Crosby needs to 'show the way" and make a leap for it into the tide preferrably head long and of course when the tide is going out at full noise. Oh yeah it is already and long since left the habour I believe ... there is no money left in the coffers.

Oh, for cryin' out loud

Posted on 08-11-2011 22:08 | By theschizzle

stop your bitching, and think about it. Are the bushwalks affected? How about scenic flights? White water rafting? Parasailing? Skydiving? Swimming pools at motels? Restaurants? Arts? Shopping? Gardens? Mountain biking? Horse riding? The Bay of Plenty still has plenty to offer while we wait for this to heal. Cut the crap, and stop being such a pack of griping bitches!

Take a hard look at some of our citizens

Posted on 09-11-2011 10:05 | By maccachic

I went down to the beach when it first happened and was extremely dissappointed to see bottles scattered over the sand dunes, rubbish hiding amoungst the tussock and even saw some idiots in a 4WD drive over a fence onto the sand dunes. So while the Rena is a disaster we were hardly doing a good job of looking after our beaches before hand. Yes I did collect what I could.

what the @#@#

Posted on 09-11-2011 10:50 | By tonyb1

Dear theschizzle how many visitors camp at the mount and rely on the beach for the majority of their holiday, not everyone can afford to go skydiving horse riding and eat out at restaurants especially the family's that you see over holiday period, its like saying if your bacl lawn was contaminated how would you feel if we all said what you moaning about you stil got a front lawn and a house ? I am sure you would be moaning

Dear tonyb1.

Posted on 09-11-2011 19:31 | By theschizzle

How many visitors don't rely on the beach for cheap holidays? I'm aware some do, but many do not. Even families. This article does not minimise the damage that has already happened, it points out that the damage to the beaches is not permanent. It does not mean that the rest of the Bay of Plenty is also out of action. Twice now you have completely misunderstood the thrust of the article. If your back lawn is contaminated, then I'm sure there would be very few who wouldn't sympathise with you. But your anger is misplaced, and your comment about white speedo's is nothing short of ridiculous. Mr Crosby didn't put the boat on the reef, nor did he have anything to do with the reponse. His task is to prevent further region-wide secondary damage, and people like you lot aren't helping. Having your 5 seconds of fame by putting dumb comments on news pages is sad. Having your 5 seconds of fame by contributing to a larger problem is irresponsible.

dear schizzle

Posted on 16-11-2011 19:24 | By tonyb1

Thanks for your comment but I am simply pointing out the obvious, I am not angry, maybe you are, read your own wording calling sunlive supporters bitches, maybe you have the problem ? anyhow have a great day and an idiot like you will not stop me voicing my opinion

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