Retirement village home to AIMS competitors

Greenwood Park village. Supplied image.

Following the successful experience in 2017, St. Bernard's College and Greenwood Park have once more teamed up for 2018.

The AIMS Games team from St Bernard's College will be billeted with Residents of the unique Greenwood Park village.

A team of 25 Athletes has been assembled and will compete in Football, Basketball, Cross country, Swimming and Golf.

'Such is the popularity of the AIMS Games with over 10,000 Year 7 and 8 students competing our team would not be able to attend the AIMS Games without the support and generosity shown to us by the Greenwood Park residents and support from Metlifecare," says director of sport at St Bernard's College and AIMS Games tour manager Andrew Cavill.

"Accommodation for such a number of students just isn't available with everywhere completely booked out.

'The residents go out of their way for our students and offer a unique and rewarding home stay experience which provides life-long memories for the boys from St Bernard's College.

'Some students will be returning to stay with the same residents as 2017 and for others who attended last year, on going communication and friendship has developed from this unique environment.”

The accommodation week will culminate in a farewell dinner and performance by the students for the Greenwood Park residents on Thursday evening in the administration area dining room.


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